A Misson and A Pact (Laxus x reader)

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1st pov
My first S-class mission! I was so excited I couldn't believe it. I convinced Laxus, a total Tsundere and I big grump to go with me. I wasn't an S-class wizard, but Master Makarov said I could go on a mission as long as I was with an S-class. I run up the stairs to see Laxus, with his usual thunder legion. I was waving the mission paper and running up to him.
"Master's okay with it! He approved it and everything! We go tonight!"
I yelp excitedly and jumped ecstatically. He grunted and his friends giggle at my excitement.
"So what's the mission again?"
I groan and sit next to Bickslow, Evergreen, and Freed, whom sat across from the dragon slayer. I spread the paper out on the table.
"We have to sneak into a thieves guild and steal back this necklace for the little old lady on the outskirts of town."
They all look down and the paper.
"That's a large amount for just some trinket."
I glare up at Laxus.
"This isn't some trinket it's a family heirloom to this woman and it's worth a lot, emotionally and financially."
He grunted again.
"We can sneak in as a couple and-"
He jolted up and looked at me as though I said murder.
"It's an act don't worry. We go in because people will be coming all over to come see it and other stolen goods. They're gonna sell it on the black market, a secret auction to be precise."
"Little wizard girl did her research."
Evergreen fixed her glasses and smirked.
"It's a big mission for me. It's really important. We'll split the reward. Its one million jewel."
They look baffled for a moment and look at the paper again.
"You need to dress super fancy for tonight. We gotta look rich got it?"
He nodded and muttered to himself.
"Good. Bye thunder legion!"
They nodded and waved as I went down the stairs and out the guild doors.

~Later tonight~

The moonlight shined down onto Magnolia and illuminated the Fairy tail guild. I stood outside, waiting for my fake date. I heard the doors creak and slowly open. I adjusted my dress and shoes and stood anxiously to see my partner and there he was. He stood there in actual suit. He looked good. He adjusted his tie with a tint of pink on his cheeks. I couldn't help but smile as I walked up to him.
"H-how does this look?"
I fixed his tie for him and smoothed out the suit creases on his chest.
"You look fantastic. Now let's go. My fake invitation worked and they've sent us a free limo ride!"
I tug on his arm, (which was almost as big as my waist) and pull him in with me. We sit in the back seat and the chauffeurs window was closed.
"Remember we gotta look like we really love eachother okay?"
He stares at me and takes me hand, it was like a dolls compared to his. Red erupts into my cheeks and I avert my eyes to the window.
"Y-you got the idea.."
We arrive at our destination. The place was flashy, with beautiful strung up lights and colors shining out of the windows. I was in awe at the size of the place. I step out, with my arms wrapped around Laxus' big one, and we walk up into the building. It was a grand ballroom, like out of a princess movie. I could feel my eyes widen and my head felt like it turned and a full 360 degree angle.
"Welcome Mr and Mrs (fake name). Welcome to the Grand ball room."
A man in a fancy suit walked up to us shaking our hands. His were cold and dry, he had a cigar dangling in his mouth and looked to be in his fifties. He had a mustache drape his upper lip and a forced smile on his face.
He gestured us to walk further in. The room was in a giant octagon shape with a dome like top. The ceiling had a glimmering crystal chandelier probably almost bigger than our guild, the walls were made of Gold and Marble, the Ball room was the size four guild halls in length. There was buffet tables and a big chocolate fountain. There was a Grand staircase that lead to the second door ending with a big double door at the top.
"This place must've taken ages to make."
I brushed my finger tips over my soft lips as I studied the Room. There was hundreds of couples and a bunch of other rich people that probably carried buckets of money in their pockets like its nothing.
"Care to dance dear?"
I look up at Laxus whom tightened his grip on my.
"H-huh?...oh! Yes, I'd love to!"
I almost forget we were fake fiancés. He lead me to the dance floor along with other couples that followed and he pulled me to his chest. His one hand rested on my back, close to my waist, and his other intertwined with my fingers. I rested my hand on his shoulder and followed him along the dance floor. We turned and twisted and I followed his lead. He was actually really good at dancing...
"Where did you-?"
He cut me off, knowing what'd I was gonna ask.
"My old man would've kicked my ass if I didn't have manners or knew how to slow dance. Told me it would come in handy one day."
I blushed at him with a half smile, highly impressed.
"You aren't bad yourself."
He smiled down at me, half lidded, sincere eyes.
"Oh, I'm just following your lead. I've never really danced a lot."
"Surely you've had a boyfriend before."
"Yes, but none with manners like yours."
He grunted.
"You're picking the wrong guys then."
Since when has he ever been cocky about romance? This is the longest conversation we've ever had. I've always looked up to him and...kinda had a crush on him but he wasn't much of a social type, until he rejoined fairy tail that is. My eyes caught people leaving the dance floor exiting behind the stair case. I pull Laxus closer so only he could hear.
"People are disappearing behind the grand staircase. I think the auctions there."
"Good eye."
"We should head there right no-"
He dipped me and pressed his lips against mine. My eyes force open and I feel my face go insanely hot. I grip his stiff bicep, trying not to fall off the floor.
He pulls his lips to my ear, whispering intimidatingly.
"People were getting suspicious. I had to do something on the spot. Sorry."
He pulls me back up and I stood there speechless.
"Well C'mon then."
He grabs my hand and leads me to the staircase. It lead to a secret hallway with only one door at the end. Only a few lights lit the very dim hallway, and the hallway looked about a couple feet long.
"It looks eerie."
"The auction has to be down there. Let's go."
He squeezes my hand and we walk down the cold creepy corridor. People were coming. We heard the door open and Laxus pulled me to the side, forcing his lips onto mine one more. This time it was more passionate. His tongue entered my mouth and he nibbled on my bottom lip. The couple passing by paid no attention to us.
"That auction was absolute rubbish. A stolen painting, some dinky ring, and a flashy necklace? This place has nothing!"
My eyes jolt open at necklace. It's definitely in there. As the couple disappear back into the ballroom I pull away from Laxus, whom was still sucking my face. A trail of saliva connected our mouths and his eyes were half-lidded and intimate.
"I know were posing as a wedding couple and all but you can't keep randomly kissing me!"
"You don't seem to object. In fact you've kissed back both times."
He folded his arms and smirked at me.
"Well yeah I want to look the part but you can't kiss me so forcibly. Especially when it means nothing!"
He smirked even wider and grabbed my shoulders, forcing me back against the wall.
"Oh yeah? What if it has meaning?"
He kissed me again. This time even deeper and with more passion. He licked my lips and I felt his heart race, which meant he felt mine too. He let go of my arms and rested his hands on my waist pulling me closer.
"What're you doing? This is a mission! We have to go get that necklace back before someone buys it!"
"Fine, fine."
He looked a little disappointed but still had a smile on that smug face. We finally reach the door and the auction room was just as big as the ballroom. We were in a balcony, as if it were an underground opera house.
"Let's just bid the highest bid for the necklace, have them bring to our balcony seats and knock them out silently and leave before we get suspicious."
"You're the boss."
Laxus surrendered and agreed to my plan. We sat in our seats and put the masks that were laying upon the seats to our faces.
"Wonder why they make us wear these silly masquerade things."
"To keep their identities secret. So nobody snitches."
I look up at him, surprised I got an answer.
"Next up this Ring that's from the Magic council! Wear it, gift it, use it as a wedding ring!"
The lady was right, it was dinky. Looked fake.
I turn to look at Laxus. The room was dark besides the lights coming from the auction stage. He was already staring at me when I turned my head. He was awfully close. Half his fave was illuminated from the stage lights.
"Why are you staring at me?"
"You are too."
"Because you're staring at me!"
He cupped his hand to my cheek and kissed me again. Repeatedly pressing his lips against mine. Peck after peck.
"Laxus are you okay?"
He smiled at me.
"Never better, why?"
"Well, this morning you looked so uninterested and even when we first got here, but now you're acting like you're in love with me or something."
He didn't respond, which meant what I said was true.
"Why all of the sudden?"
I broke the silence. He shook his head and stroked his chin.
"I have for a while, but I didn't know what it meant, I've never really felt this way, but then I kissed you the first time and now it's like all my questions were answered and now I don't want to stop."
I felt my face get red, heat rising to my cheeks.
He leaned over and whispered into my ear, seductively.
"I have feelings for you (f/n)."
The auction was still going on but it felt like everything became dangerously quiet. Like my mind was blank and I went deaf. I couldn't breathe. Why? Why now? Is it because he's a dragon slayer? Was it his instincts telling him he found a mate?
"Well don't just sit there in silence."
His voice was stern and serious as if he was slightly worried.
"I've felt the same way since I've joined the guild."
He heaved out a reliving sigh and sat back in his seat. He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer.
"Can we hold off until we finish the mission please..."
"Alright but when it's over and were alone..be cautious."
He chuckled and nibbled my ear. I yelped and pulled away as he ruffled my hair and sat back in his seat once more.
We both adjusted our selves in our seats, ready to yell. People were shouting bids and they got higher and higher each time. Until finally Laxus stood up and shouted an outrageous number that was almost unbelievably ridiculous.
"SOLD TO MR (fake name)!"
They take the necklace off stage and head toward the balcony. The auctioneer continued on.
"When they get up here be ready to fight got it? These guys will have a bit of strength."
He nodded and we both stood side by side, the door between us. Two guys walked in and were dressed in black. They called for us, walking right past. Laxus knocked the guy closest to him out cold in an instant. I didn't get much of a signal...so the other guy was alerted.
"The hell!?"
He started chanting some spell and I started to panic. Not knowing what to do I punched him out of pure instinct. He fell back a few feet and knocked out cold before he could alert anyone we were here.
I grab my fist and see it's really red. I kiss my fist and hold it close trying to rid the pain.
Laxus stared at me, trying to comprehend what I just did.
"Wow..you pack a punch huh?"
"I-I didn't know what happened! I just kinda-"
He grabbed my red fist and kissed my hand on each knuckle.
"Whatever happened ha, it was pretty cool."
I could tell my cheeks tinted pink.
"Let's grab that necklace and get out of here."
I step over the guys and start searching their pockets. The necklace was in his inner coat pocket. I slip it out and stare at it for a moment.
"It's really pretty."
It sparkled like some kind of star. The gems were different colors, bordered with gold edges that held them together. We start leaving heading back into the corridor.
"Hey. Hide that necklace."
"I'm in a dress where do I-"
He takes the necklace and stuffs it in my chest.
"Laxus! I can't put it there! You're in a suit can't you?"
"I got a pocketless suit."
"Offfff course you do.."
We walk out to the ballroom and dance through the thicker crowd of couples on the dance floor.
"Oops. Busted."
"Lightening rod!"
He shot a bolt of lightning at the men in suits causing an uproar. We bust the doors open and go straight to the woods. We pull off our masks and stop to catch our breaths. I slip the necklace out of my chest and dangle it in the moonlight.
"I can't wait to see the old woman's face when she gets her heirloom back."
"That money is as good as ours."
"Is that all you think about?"
I stuff the necklace back and we start heading to the train station.

~The next day~

We head to the outskirts of town to the old lady's little flower shop. She looked quite content seeing us walk in.
"Oh hello. I just opened up."
"Were from the fairy tail guild. We got your necklace back."
Her expression changed to a happier face. She waddled over and came to greet us.
"Thank you! Thank you! This necklace is so important to me!"
"Were glad to have help."
Laxus was leaning against the doorway, with a usual smile on his face.
"Let me get your reward money!"
She waddled to the back of her four room shack and brought back a shoulder bag full of jewel.
"By the way, you two make a lovely couple!"
Laxus strides up and slaps me on the back, barking out a chuckle.
"We do don't we?"
I gulped and glared up at him. How much cockier could he be?  We say our good byes to the woman and walk back to the guild.
"Thanks for doing this S-class job with me. Hopefully you won't be so pushy next job we do."
He lowers down to my height and whispers in my ear, sending me chills all over.
"It doesn't have to be a job to be around me you know."

A/n: Thank you for reading! I hope you liked it! I take requests and I love your comments please ^~^ I have like 50+ drafts hahha...but I'll still do more Fanfictions! Requests always accepted!

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