Part 2: Goodbye

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I'm so glad we committed

Anytime he could get it

He's the real one, I know it

Nadine woke up slowly, feeling a bit disoriented. It was strange waking up in a bed after a long sleep. She usually only slept two to three hours a night in her own bed. She reached out beside her but felt only empty space. She opened her eyes and sat up, looking around. James was nowhere in sight.

The clock on his bedside table read 9:07am. She'd gotten an almost full nine hours of sleep, such a rarity nowadays. It felt good on her tired, overworked body, but it would have been even better if she had woken up with her boyfriend. Nadine pushed off the covers and started to climb out of bed in search of him, when the door opened and in walked James carrying a tray.

"And where are you going?" He asked.

"I was going to look for you. Ang aga mong gumising ah."

"I wanted to get this ready. Ta-da!" He set down the tray on her lap. On it was a plate of waffles topped with chocolate sauce, whipped cream, and strawberries. There was a side of bacon and over easy eggs, along with a mug of coffee. Nadine's favorite brunch indulgences, served to her right in bed. She looked up at her boyfriend in awe.

"What?" He asked, laughing, not used to seeing Nadine speechless.

She pulled his face to hers and kissed him. James had always claimed he wasn't a hopeless romantic, he would say he wasn't materialistic and wasn't the type of boyfriend to spoil his girlfriend. But since they'd gotten together (and even before, if Nadine was honest), James had been nothing but sweet and attentive and constantly surprising her with the things he would do for her. He wasn't big on things like monthsaries but he always did randomly sweet things for no reason. Nadine very much preferred it that way.

James pulled away, panting. "Wow, that was some reward." He grinned.

"Wait until I'm done eating," Nadine said slyly.

He swallowed hard and watched as she very slowly cut a piece of the waffle.

"Here, let me." He took the fork and knife from her and quickly cut up the waffle. He raised the fork to her lips and she took the bite, her eyes never leaving his. She picked up a strawberry covered in whip cream and raised it to his lips. He took the strawberry, almost biting her fingers in the process. She laughed and shoved his shoulder. There was whipped cream on James' lips and she wiped it off with her index finger, popping it into her mouth and very slowly licking and sucking the whipped cream off.

James' eyes instantly turned from playful to dark and full of desire. He moved the tray off her lap and onto the bedside table.

"I'm not done eating," Nadine tried to protest.

"Me either," James said, crawling over her. Nadine moaned into his mouth as he kissed her and laid her back on the bed.

Nadine's breakfast was cold by the time she got around to finishing it.


"I wish I could take you to the airport," Nadine said sadly, her arms wrapped tightly around James' middle, her face buried in his neck.

"Me too, love," James said. They both knew it was impossible. They had already gotten some phone calls from the big bosses about their numerous shopping trips, Nadine escorting him to the airport would really be pushing their luck. Their fans weren't fools after all and if they truly wanted to keep their relationship under wraps and away from the vultures, they had to make some sacrifices. "I have to go baby. I have to pick up dad and we're going to have lunch before going to the airport."

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