Grave Danger (Amazingphil)

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*Lizy's Dream*

"Run! Hide in the hollow tree and don't move. I'll be back soon, Lizy..I promise" the deep voice told me.

"No! Please don't leave me" I wept.

I couldn't see his face only his icy blue eyes. His voice was smooth. It calmed me somehow in the panic that we were in. I've never seen his face. It's always been too dark.

"Please Liz, go. I need you safe. Go!"


He drags me by my arm to the hollow tree. I reluctantly cram my overweight self into the tree. The boy kisses me on lips and then leaves me.

I start to panic with in the first five minutes.

"HEY," I screamed not knowing the boys name, "HEY PLEASE," I say crying, "PLEASE COME BACK"

~*black out*~ Lizy's P.O.V.

The sun shines bright through my window. Damn morning light. I roll away from my window only to see my parents on the other side of the room sitting and talking about stuff I can't make out. When they realize I'm awake the give me creepy, awkward smiles. What the hell is going on?

"Good morning Lizy!" They said with their creepy smiles still plastered on their faces, "Happy 21st birthday!" Still creepy. "We have your present down stairs," the tell me, a little too happy, as the leave my room.

I got dressed and brushed my hair, and put on deodorant, the basics. I went down stairs and saw a card on the table but not my parents. I opened the card and it read:


We didn't have the nerve to tell this to your face but get out. We're kicking you out of the house because we don't want you here anymore move very far away as we never really liked you. we hate you actually. We have always loved your brothers, Dan & Adrian, more. Bye bye bitch. Leave before we call the cops.'


I've left my old house, Away from my crap ass parents. I new they've never like me all that much, but what they did was low. Now I have no place to go. Well Shit. Adrian is away at uni right now in a dorm so that won't work. I could always call my brother Dan but I haven't seen him since he moved out at 18. Yes I think I'll give him a call. Maybe he'll help me.

~Phone call~

** "Hello?" I here a male voice, that is vaguely familiar, at the other end. Doesn't sound much like Dan but who know what he sounds like now.

"Dan?" I ask shy. I'm not sure if he's changed his number or not. This could be a complete stranger after all.

"Yup. This is dans phone but its his roommate speaking."

Shit. Roommate!? He'll never let stay now.

"Oh..." I say to the male, "Where's Dan?"

"Think he's using the lou."

"Of course he is. When isn't he?"

"That's a good question."

"Anyways, when will he be out?"

"It seems he is right now."

I here voices in the back round and I can barely make them out.

"Phil what are you doing on my phone?!'

'You had a call.'


'Sooo they're still on the phone.'

'Shit Phil, gimmie my phone'

"Hello it's Dan now sorry about Phil."

"It's fine Danny"

"Umm who is this exactly?"

"Hmm well let's see... I'm 5'7 haven't grown since 16 and haven't seen you in 4 years. Any guesses?"


"Because I thought you changed your number Danny. So um I was uh kinda kicked out of the house today and have no money cos mum and dad took it and they hate me so uh do you know a place where I could work and I place where I could stay?"


"*sigh* Liz somehow I new this was going to happen. You can move in with me and Phil. Phil and I can switch rooms, cos his is bigger room. I'll sell my full bed and get two twin beds to go in there. The café around the corner is looking for workers."

"Oh my lord you're the best brother ever! But um where's your apartment?" I ask.


"Shit. I'm still living in Manchester. Shit shit shit shit shit shi-"

"Calm yo self gurl, Dan's got it all planed out!"

God, I missed Dan's sass.

"I doubt that greatly but I wish I could move to London with you and your roommate but I can't afford to travel there. Not until I get a job."

"Liz I have a job I can afford to taxi you here"

"Where do work?"

"I'm on YouTube"

"Great, 12 year old girls telling my big brother to be in there bed and have there babies"

"Whatever Liz. Get in a taxi tomorrow and tell him to go to the ********** Apartment Buildings ok?"

"Fine Danny. Love you bye."

Oh god this should be interesting.

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