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Another Try..I guess🤔

Fayetteville, North Carolina
March 7, 2015
7:12 am

"I just feel like you need to find something without involving Forrest and his shenanigans Jermaine, I don't want to see you end back in prison." I nodded my head agreeing with her, that's why I keep second guessing my damn self, I don't know if I want to do it or not..it's to much I have to take care of with my daughter.

"I feel you ma..I'm not going down that level anymore..I'm trying to stay in something legit..non illegal."

"Well of course Jermaine." I glanced over at her as she typed away on her phone, today was a regular day for us, since my mom was off today and I still haven't found a job, mom insisted we take Maya to chuckle cheese so I said why not.

"In case y'all forgot I'm still in this damn car." I sighed once I heard Trey voice in the back seat.

"Shut up boy..and watch your mouth."

"Yes ma'am..but J I'm serious man why don't you just ask his ass man."

"Tremaine.." My mom glared at him and I chuckled.

"Come on ma..we just talking."

"Yea not like that..maybe when your not around me then Yea." I chuckled stopping at the red light. "Anyway Jermaine..I highly think you should reconsider on this driver job..I mean don't you think it's out of your character to drive strangers around."

"Yea..but they pay a hell of a lot of good money..I can finally provide for you and Maya like I need too."

"Jermaine..I keep telling you I don't need help."

"You say that but the bills says otherwise..don't sweat it ma...I'm still helping whether you think you don't need my help or not."

"That's a way to shut this damn conversation down." Trey said nodding his head. I screw my face up looking at this retarded ass nigga..like is he foreal.

"Tremaine Aldon Neverson...one more time.."

"Ok ok sorry...but anyway J, I heard it's suppose to be this party this weekend..you up for it."

"Boy we are not kids..we grown men..and you know I don't like parties."

"Man twenty year olds still go to parties."

"Bruh your older than me.."

"Nigga and..I look good for my age
So it's whatever." I shook my head pulling into the semi packed parking lot.

"That's your friend Jermaine.." My mama said making me laugh, she right that is my dumb ass friend.

"So is you down or what?" I sighed parking the car as I looked off into space.

"Where this party at?"

"At my nigga Sean crib..He cool as hell, you'll like him."

"Alright but only for a little bit..and that's it."

"Fine by me.."

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