Pre-prologue OUTTAKE

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I've sent out a few messages about what happened. I've written it in stories I update as well as on the message board.

UNDIVIDED isn't missing. I took it down. PURPOSELY.





It was overreaching of me to update SHATTERED and Undivided since they are on the same time line.

So I'm always asked how to read these books and just saw this:

1)Scratch (The first half which is the chapters set in the past && can be read as a standalone).


3)His Forgotten Mate (Can be read as a standalone).



6)Scratch (The second half which are the chapters set in the present && can be read as a standalone).

7)Loving Ashlynn & Shattered (Both can be read as a standalone).

8)Undivided (Currently down but will be back).



This is the best way to read the stories. Especially Loving Ashlynn and Shattered. I feel like many want to skip over some parts but all that does it make writing undivided harder because I have to think of all the people that didn't want to read the books between Unbroken and Undivided.

Then I end up with a bunch of messages saying:

"who is this?"

"I'm so confused!"




For those that did read the portion I had up of this story, you know that Undivided is about finding Faith, as well as SAwyer/CHelsea/ the whole gang returning home.

So Undivided is about Sawyer/Faith/CHelsea/Etta.

Loving Ashlynn is about FAITH. The girl they are looking for in Undivided. It is her back story.

And Shattered, is about the two years between Unbroken and Undivided from Sawyer's point of view. For all that do not want to read it either Loving Ashlynn or Shattered, you're only setting yourself up to be confused.

And Jax? He's a LARGE focus in Shattered. I mean Shattered is where you find out the MOST about him since Unconditional.




That's all I had to say really... So uhm... yeah.



Chelsea POV (OUTTAKE November 1st 2015)

I should be out training. There was really only so much we could do from the island, training was one of them. Being Sunday didn't matter here on the island, almost hitting one year to the time we arrived to the island, I had changed the way many on here have been living. There were moments of rest sure, but this leisurely relaxed tone that lingered before Gabriel and I arrived no longer exists. "Sawyer finds Faith?" I ask with wide eyes, while Etta nods slowly, "Where?" when Etta frowns, I know nothing she has saw helps me with finding Faith.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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