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This chapter is in Fallen Leaves perspective, Enjoy :)

Hollyleaf spun around after she heard Firestars words. Suddenly she felt shy and scared. She tried to speak but couldn't form the right words. Fallen Leaves saved her.

"I assume you are Firestar?" Fallen Leaves spoke in a unfamiliar tone. Not his usual kind tone, but a more formal one. Firestar looked at him with hostility. "And you are? Not from this clan I can assume"

Fallen Leaves nodded and then spoke again. "I have come to warn you of a threat to your clan. I have information that can be useful to you and your Clan"

Firestar looked at him with curiosity. "What is this information? How do you know it?" Firestar seemed to finally noticed Hollyleaf standing behind Fallen Leaves.

Fireatar stood looking at her for a moment. "Hollyleaf?" He said surprised. Hollyleaf looked at him and turned away quickly pretending she wasn't there.

"It is Hollyleaf!" Firestar exclaimed. The clan thought you we're dead. He turned to Fallen Leaves and Hollyleaf. "What news is it you need to tell me? Do you want to address the whole clan? or me privately?" Firestar looked at them waiting for an answer.

Hollyleaf finally spoke, "we will tell you what we know in private first and then you can decide what to do with the information." Firestar nodded his approval. He turned and flicked his tail signaling for them to follow. "Brambleclaw, can you go and get all the patrols back to camp?"

Brambleclaw nodded and headed off to send cats to tell the patrols to head back. Firestar continued toward his den with Hollyleaf and Fallen Leaves following behind.

Fallen Leaves leaned over to Hollyleaf and whispered, "do you want to explain? He probably trusts you more than some strange cat." Hollyleaf shook her head, no instantly. "After what I did he probably trusts some rogue more than me"

Fallen Leaves didn't reply but watched Hollyleaf as she walked with her head down.

When they reached the den Fallen Leaves saw a sandy colored cat curled up asleep on a bed of moss and bracken. Firestar gently prodded her awake and filled her in on what had happened as she ran her tounge over her chest fur.

Firestar turned to Fallen Leaves after he finished filling in the sand colored cat."This is Sandstorm" he said flicking his tail in her direction. Fallen Leaves remembered Hollyleaf had mentioned Sandstorm once. She had said that she was Squirrelflights mother.

Fallen Leaves nodded to her and then turned to Firestar and started to tell him what him and Hollyleaf had seen.....

Hope you enjoyed
I am running out of ideas for this book. I am gonna do the Windclan thing and then I'm all out of ideas. If anyone has any feel free to tell me and I will include them

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