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Mason's pov.

It hasn't even been a week and I already miss him. Is that bad, does that mean I'm clingy? Blushing, I place my head down on my desk. "Maddy, the Johnsons' want an update on the case. Nodding my head, I pick it up off my desk. "Yeah sure, anything else Lola?" Smiling she sets down a latte. "Nope, just you look a little sick. Do you want to call it an early day? I can reschedule all of your appointments." Smiling, I take a hearty gulp of my caffeine. "No, thanks for being concerned though. I'm just feeling a little off without Brady around is all." Awing, she covers her cheeks.

"You guys are just the cutest!" Blushing, I duck my head behind my curls. "Yeah, I guess so." Squealing, she pats my hand. "I don't mean to embarrass. I'll leave you to your work. Don't forget to call the Johnsons'." Nodding, I watch her walk out of the room. Sighing, I sift through my files. Gawd I've had a headache for three days now. Pressing a hand to my temple I give it a little massage. Now where's the paper at. Finding it quickly I call the Johnsons', informing them about any updates on the rape case.

After tidying up my desk, I get ready to lock up my office. Swaying slightly, I become light headed. Clutching my office chair, I catch myself. "I've been working to hard, time to get home. Oh maybe take a nice soak in the tub." Feeling better again I stride out of my office. "Have a good night sir!" Looking up at Lola, I smile politely. "You t—o." Feeling myself get dizzy my body defies gravity, and I'm enveloped in darkness.

"What do you mean you don't know what happened!" I hear a sharp intake of air, with the underlying sound of beeping. "Sir, please calm down! He told me he was okay, I didn't think he would hurt himself." Bray? Swallowing my throat feels like sand paper. Prying my eyes open, I wince at the bright hospital lights. "What...are you doing home?" Gasping, Brady steps near my bed. Bending down, he kisses me passionately. Moaning, I clutch tightly onto his shirt. Pulling away from me he glares heatedly. "You're in so much trouble!" Flinching back from him, I gasp. "W-what did I do?"

Rubbing my cheek, he shakes his head. "You haven't been taking care of yourself. French fry, if you were tired you should have went home." Blushing I try to remember what happened. Okay I walked out of my office and...and I said bye to Lola. After that, I can't really remember much. "Brady, I wasn't tired. I felt fine other then a small headache." Brushing my curls back, he sighs. "You haven't missed a meal or anything?" Smiling brightly, I shake my head. "Nope, I've actually been eating a whole lot." Smiling he sighs in relief. "Okay well the doctor should be in here in a few–." Door opening, a man in a white coat comes in. "Hello, hello I'm your doctor for today." Sitting up with the help of Brady. Which by the way I didn't need, I sighed. "So, anything wrong doc?" Smiling brightly the doctor, shakes his head. "Nope your iron was just low. Nothing worse, that probably explains the headaches you've been having."

Nodding, I sigh in relief. "Good, so I'm good to go home today?" Nodding his head, he hands me a clip board. "Yes just sign here to cover your bill, and here is the prescription." Signing my name in elegant cursive, I grab the prescription handing it to Brady. "Can you get that filled on your way home. I'll drive my car behind yours." Chuckling Brady grabs my work clothes that I had on. Making me realize the uncomfortable hospital gown I was dressed in. "Your cars gone, got Bianca to drive it home already." Pouting, I snatch my clothes from him. Glaring he smacks my ass, making me jump in surprise. "The doctor never said that you couldn't do any physical activities. Be prepared once we get home." Bending down he trails kisses up to my ear. Nipping the lobe he chuckles. "Cause that ass is mine."

Clifffffy all man I'm in a roll with these things lol Okay more chappies coming y'all way my lovelies. Gawd bray is so hot. Anywho lobe you all my lovelies #poptartloverout!!!!!!!!

Mr. Cocky (Editing-not began yet)Where stories live. Discover now