Bumping into eachother part one ( jeffs point of view )

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Jeff's pov :
It was a regular day I was walking down the corridor to check if I had a match I wasn't really watching were I was going I was too busy thinking about One girl Trish stratus . I really wanted to ask her if she had feelings for me ( Ive loved her for years ) but what if she didn't like me what would i do.

all of a sudden my thoughts were stopped as I ran into no other then the girl her self Trish stratus , I knocked her that hard she fell to the ground I stretched out my hand and helped her up her hands are so soft and then said "I'm sorry Trish my bad " she then responded with a stutter then spoke up "it's ok Jeff I understand you didn't mean to knock me over" her beautiful Canadian accent sounded like heaven to my ears

I then stuttered and finally said "I'm glade I didn't hurt you" she smiled and. walked away I slowly started to walk the opposite way then I sped up so I didn't seam like a total idiot I saw her jumping with joy in the corner of my eye DID SHE LIKE ME ?? No that's not possible is it ?? she never acted like she did or was that and act and she really did LIKE ME?! a smile slowly spread across my face as I then quietly yelled out YES!! Then whispered Trish likes me before walking into my locker room

When I opened the door I walked to my bag and John ( cena ) stopped what he was doing and said to me why are you so happy hardy ?? What are you talking about I said trying to lie he then looked at me with a serious face and said dude your hopeless at lying we both started laughing and then I explained why I was so happy he was happy for me and started talking to me about his crush on Maria we talked for what seemed like ages .

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