date pt.1

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I  rolled over on my side, hoping Ethan would be there but instead I was greeted with a note. I groaned as I picked up the thin piece of paper, only Ethan would make me read once I woke up.

meet me on your front step at 8 pm, wear what i put under your bed. see you later princess (-; -edog

A smile formed on my lips as a giggle slipped from my mouth. I immediately checked under my bed, seeing a box with lace ribbon wrapped around the bottom and tied at the top with a bow. I tried my best to grab it without falling off my bed. I safely unwrapped the ribbon, not wanting to break it and continued to open the box.

My mouth watered as I pulled out the black strapless dress with a lace waist band, I love it. I took out the tissue paper to see another note.

hope you like it, if you don't show up
in sweat pants? i'm new to this. - edog.

I laughed as I placed the note with the other one. It was two in the afternoon giving me six hours to get ready, who do you call when something this big happens? Your best friends.


"You guys! I'm on my period I can't just let him do that," I screamed staring at Jenny and Karen through my laptop screen. "Should I curl or straighten my hair?"

"Curl! No straight, fuck I don't know," Karen sighed, laying on her bed, hardly paying attention to the question. "What do you think babe?"

"Light curls? He'll think you're beautiful either way," Jenny said, straddling Karens back as she spoke to me. I laughed before smiling.

"That's the thing about Ethan, he doesn't care what I look like, he likes me for my mind not my body. Like, just a few days ago we were making out and I stopped it and we just lied there, not doing anything and he tells me how he enjoys the person I make him, he said he likes my mind and heart. He said he likes how I say what I want,"

"He likes that you are a sarcastic asshole?" Jenny said earning a smack from Karen. "Well she is one!"

"I am, but I don't think that's what he meant but hopefully he likes that I am," I checked the time and it was now four o'clock. "I got to go curl my hair, now that my hair is finally dry,"

"Bye baby," They said in unison before we all broke into laughter. Even though I would never admit it to them, I missed them, so much. I waved before hanging up and plugging in my curler. Usually I would be nervous about my hair but I watched tutorials in the summer on perfect curls.


I walked down stairs into the kitchen, my mom immediately stopping whatever she was doing to run over to me.

"You look amazing, my girl. Aw, you're growing up so fast and there's nothing I can do about it, Babe come here take a picture!" I felt my cheeks heat up as my mother called my stepdad into the room. I didn't know how he was going to react about me going on my first for real date, with a boy.

"You look stunning Liz! I think I might tear up, my little girl is growing up so fucking fast," I felt my heart warm at his words. "my little girl"

"I love you guys," I said bringing them into a huddle and wrapped my arms around them. Just then, the doorbell rang. "Okay, he's here," I whispered clapping with excitement. My father rolled his eyes before walking me to the front door where my future husband was waiting behind.

I opened the door to see Ethan in a black and white tux, he looked amazing. We stood there for a minute just taking each other in, the dark clothing making his beautiful blue-green eyes stand out. My heart skipped a beat as he stepped closer to me.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked taking my hand in his.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I whispered before waving a goodbye to my parents and leaving the house. I felt his hand on the small of my back, it sent shivers up my spine and down to my stomach. I thanked him for opening the door and closing it, like a gentleman would in the typical romance movie.

We drive in silence before he spoke up. "You look beautiful tonight, well you do every night," I lightly laughed at his attempt to compliment me, he was so nervous it was cute.

"You also look pretty dandy if I do say so myself." I winked before grabbing his hand and placing it on my thigh. "Better," I grinned, playing with his fingers. "Where are we going?"

"You'll see," He nodded, looking pleased with himself. I love when he was confident with himself, he looked happy when he was.

"We're here,"


part two tomorrow

TWITTER DMS ; ethan CutkoskyWhere stories live. Discover now