The Last Day

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We were speeding down the highway to get to school that morning to get our report cards and go home.
On the last day the school lets you get your report cards and leave if you are a driver or car rider.
Morgan was driving and we pulled into school ready to finally get our cards and finally be called seniors. Jake was saying bye to friends as we were leaving as was I. It was maybe 7-8 in the morning when we got to school and only 15 minutes later we were leaving.
We ended up going home with a brilliant plan to go swimming around a bridge.
Downside to that was I couldn't swim, it was the final day of school. We were seniors, what the heck, we were going to have fun. Morgan picked me and Jake up and we headed to a bridge on a back road to go swimming in. We pulled over to the side of the road and walked down to under the bridge and saw some old graffiti. Saw stupid ones like one saying "free blowjobs call" so and so's number.
We walked down the stream, Sometimes swimming here and there in the cold water. I can not swim, I have hated water ever since I almost drowned as a kid. I stayed in the shallow end of the stream following my friends deep down. We saw old signs that made us realize there used to be a lot of people that came here. Lots of graffiti, trash, even trespassing signs from 40 years ago.
We got bored after seeing nothing and tried skipping stones and catching fish with barehands. We completely failed. So we gave up and headed back to the bridge and saw it was deep enough for us to jump into the water from the bridge.
I also hate heights. And water. So I hated the idea. Jake had the guts to go first and he yelled on the way down. So all that was left was Morgan and myself to go. Forcing myself to overcome myself I stepped up ready to jump. I had Morgan record and count me down as I stood up there with my legs shaking. He counted down and at the count of 1 I jumped down. The words,"oh shit"  came out of my mouth as I was heading towards the water. I hit the water and kicked myself up from the bottom of the stream. I paddled as hard as I could yelling, " I hate it".
After a bit Morgan jumped and Jake did again. We than needed to drop me back off at the school because I had to be there for graduation of the seniors. I am in band and had to play songs while the seniors walked in.
I got out of the truck and waved my friends away as I walked into the school  for the second time that day. I headed to the bathroom to change clothes into my band uniform which was a band polo and all black. Black pants, black shoes, and even black socks. I splashed water on my face to get the feel of stream water off of it. When I looked in the mirror I sat there looking at myself. I am now a senior. I am 17 and fixing to graduate in a year. I put my swim trunks and wet shirt into my bag and left the bathroom.
It was about 5ish at night when I had arrived at the school to get ready. I got my instrument and headed down to set myself up. The gym was packed, the rest of the band was here. I sat down and waited for what seemed forever until the event started.
The graduation was bittersweet. Seeing best friends and close friends walk across the stage. Some of them I would never see again after that day.
At the end of graduation I gave hugs to my close friends, the girls cried as they hugged everyone. I knew when the tears fell down their faces that it was time to go. My buddy Ethan who was part of the graduating class offered to take me home.
We rode home with him telling me his plans of going to the NADC (Nashville Auto Diesel College) in Nashville. His plans to become a diesel mechanic and make a living out of it.
We got to my house and I was exhausted from the long day. I said bye and went inside to lay down and sleep. I laid in my bed finally thinking. What am I going to do with my life? And with those final thoughts I fell asleep.

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