Chapter 4 - Collected Information

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    ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ᴅᴀʏs ᴀɢᴏ was when Lucina met them.
Yesterday was when they began to march to safety. Although Lucina felt welcomed, she was still bothered by a horrid event.
Chrom's death.

    Her father was long dead by now- there was no point in him being alive. Why did she have so much hope with him? Robin did kill him after all. She saw it with her very eyes.
    It had been left unspoken. She hadn't even told Cynthia, who got worried when Lucina spaced out just thinking of him. If she told her, what would she say? Would she understand? Lucina wasn't sure, but wagered the group would ask soon.
"Lucina, Might I ask a question? Why were you alone in the woods?" Gerome questioned as if he was reading her mind.
    Now was the time. She had to say it.
"Actually, I-I... wasn't alone." She said shakily, turning her gaze on the ground.
There was a pause as everyone suddenly locked senses on Lucina.
    Inhaling slowly, She spoke.
"M-my father... our father, Cynthia-" She began, turning her gaze on her sister, "Was with me."
Cynthia's welcoming smile then transformed into an unsatisfied frown.
"Chrom was with you? Wait, What happened?"
"H-he..." Lucina's eyes began to well with tears, "He's gone, Cynthia."
Cynthia then stopped. Her father was dead?
'No, that isn't possible... father could never be defeated...'
"But how?"
Lucina ignored the last question. It was horrible. How could she state it? The memory would never fade from her head.

    It was hard for Lucina to focus for the rest of the day. She ignored most people trying to talk to her, sat alone when taking breaks during their march, and didn't dare go near Cynthia. Her sister looked extremely suspicious now, but as depressed as her. Did she know about Sumia as well? Mankind seemed to be gone now, without the exalt of Ylisse to help fight for their peace. Hopefully Cynthia didn't know that both of her parents were gone. But she couldn't hope anymore. Hope was gone- as thin as air.

    Walking in front of the crowd, Gerome was lost in thought.
'Her parents are dead, the same with mine...' He murmured in his head, 'If only there was a way, someway to get my mother and father to be alive, to see them again...'
How could he forget? Gerome had taken care of her, but left her back somewhere. To keep her safe. But nowhere was safe anymore, ever since the apocalypse. Minerva was the only family left for him, and he needed to get her back...
"Lucina, we need to get to Ylisstol." He informed once he thought of an idea.
"Ylisstol." He repeated.
"But, Gerome-"
"Enough." He said, silencing her. "Lucina, my mother... she is also dead. Same with my father. But, I left something very special to me there, and I wager you would like to take a last visit there, correct?" He explained.
It was correct in a way, but also intrusively wrong. They would worry. Without Chrom, where was the country? Where was the Halidom even? Ylisstol was probably falling already.
"But... It's unsafe there," She noted, "I've seen countless Risens there and-"

    "Guys! GET DOWN!"
Suddenly the small group dropped to their knees as the ground began to shake. Rumbling could be heard from miles away, threatening the lives of innocent people. This could only mean one thing...
"Lucina, out of the way!" Gerome yelled seconds before a tree collapsed behind the princess. Not seeming to notice, Lucina suddenly felt herself being thrown off of the ground.
    Bruises immediately powered on throughout her body as she landed with a hoarse thump.
"Brace yourselves!" A brown-haired mymirdon bellowed, doing the action he had acknowledged. Lucina new several people were dying at this time, being sent to death...
Thank the gods that it wasn't her...

It seemed like hours until the rumbling stopped and the world fell back to place. Lucina, confused of them all, froze at her position as everyone stood.
They remained silent for moments.
"Is everyone alright?" Gerome questioned, although he already knew the answer. Everyone nodded.
   "What the hell was that?" A young woman asked, not minding her dreadful curse.
"Kjelle, watch your language," Severa insisted, tossing a lock of hair over her shoulder.

Lucina wondered if the earthquake spread to Ylisstol. Were the people alright? She doubted it. The Shepherds were dead now. They had no protection at all, unless they had some sort of weapons with them. But nevertheless, the Ylissean villagers would get killed.
Ylisstol, as that what Gerome meant? See her home for the last time, and then disappear, forever? If only she was confident enough to. But he did have a point. Lucina did want to help at the last of the Halidom. Take after her father. Avenge him.

Faster than light an idea sprang into her mind.


(A/N) - There we go, another chapter! I'm not supposed to be awake now... Hehe, awake. Well, sorry if I couldn't update earlier. I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
First Line: Three days ago

-enchantedfangirl / Chrom / Lucina 💝

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