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I woke up in a hospital bed. Nick and Greg were looking at the floor with sad looks on there faces.
" h-hey.... Why-y.... So down...." I said. It was tough to get the words out of my mouth. They quickly looked up as if I'd comeback to life. Nick jumped up and hurried to my side. He grabbed my hand and held it. "I'm... Sorry..." I said softly.
"Don't be." Greg walked closer to Nick.
" hey, Morgan how you doing?"
" I-I'm doing good." He looked at me concerned. " I need to finish the case!" I said letting go of nicks hand and sitting up.
" woah! Woah! No you're not going anywhere!" Greg said.
" just tell the nurse I'm feeling better. Please!" I gave them a cute face.
" no!" Greg said strongly.
" fine..." Nick said ,his face had no emotion. It had seemed he had felt the same way once. He walked out of my room. Alone I was again.
Few moments later Greg & Nick came back with the nurse. The nurse took my blood pressure & checked to see if I'm good enough to go back to work.
"Alright miss Morgan, you're free to go!"
"Thank you!" I said getting up slowly.
" please don't drive for at least 24 hours due to the medication you've been on." The nurse said calmly.
"Will do." Nick said, holding my arm as I got out of bed. I lean against him;My legs felt weak.

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