A team holiday

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Tony POV: we hadn't been in California long, we are staying at a nice little hotel in Los Angeles. When I say nice I really do only mean nice there's nothing fancy about it it's a reasonably priced hotel. We decided to take a walk to get fresh air as well as find our surroundings and all the places we might want to visit while we are here. We came across a few restaurants and places to shop, I decided to rent a car so we didn't have to walk everywhere since we planned to go to Anahiem tomorrow so Ziva could experience the magic of Disneyland and all the families with screaming babies and young children hyped up on candy running round. I still couldn't get the conversation out of my head that her and Gibbs had on the plane, it was sad to hear her speak of her family and be so upset. I know they weren't much of a family when her baby sister died but I guess it still hurt not to have them close enough to visit every Sunday, deep down I know she loves them and misses them greatly. "Tony! Watch out" "huh..what?" "You were about to walk out into the middle of the street, what the hell were you thinking" "oh shit! Boss I was thinking about a lot of things I guess I just forgot to stop walking" "you guess? You could have walked straight into the path of an oncoming car" I got one of Gibbs famous head slaps for that "Tony please try to be more careful" "I'm sorry Ziva I will next time" If the thought of Ziva being upset almost got me killed then I was going to have to talk to her about it tonight.

Gibbs POV: oh gosh am I going to have to look out for DiNozzo this whole time to make sure he doesn't walk out in front of any cars? I sure as hell hope not. I wonder what he was thinking about I mean he looked really distance like he was deep in thought, something must be worrying him I hope it doesn't effect this holiday week for him, I suppose he will tell someone about it when he is ready. He will probably talk to Ziva since they have such a strong partnership, they seem to tell each other almost every thing it's kind of nice cause at least then I know they are looking out for each other...

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