Plastic Wrap (Matt Brown)

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Matt building his plastic house with Birdy <3


"And this is my humble abode," Matt said, approaching three trees with plastic wrapped around them.

Rachel didn't know what to say. Was he really living in a makeshift plastic wrap tent?

She giggled and looked it over.

"How do you get in it?" she wondered.

"HAHA! I'll tell you just how you get in it," he said, a smile gracing his face.

He went to one side of the tent and pulled two pieces of wrap apart, showing an opening.

"My lady," he ushered her in.

She stepped into the tent and sat down on his blankets, looking up. She had to admit, it was pretty cool. You could see everything through here.

"You like it?" he wondered.

"I like it," she said.

He smiled at her and laid a small kiss on her lips. She grinned. She had been waiting for that kiss the moment she'd gotten off the boat in Hoonah.

"It's about time you kissed me," she teased him. "I haven't gotten one since back in Ketchikan."

"And now whose fault is that?"

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Yours. You're the one who went off with your family."

"You got me," he admitted. "But now that you're here..."

He pressed his lips to hers again.

Rachel and Matt had met nearly a year ago when Matt and his family were staying in Ketchikan. They had hit it off immediately and gone on a few dates. They hadn't really made it official or anything, but there was an unspoken word that they couldn't see other people while they were seeing one another. The Brown family had finally saved up enough money and headed off to find someplace new to live. They hated the city.

Through the separation, Matt and Rachel had sent letters to one another. After months of debating through writing, Rachel decided she wanted to come live with him and make it official. Neither of them felt the same without the other by their side.

Just as Matt laid Rachel down on his blanket, still kissing her, she snapped out of it and pushed him off.

"What? What's wrong?" he asked.

"We...we can't..." she started. "Everybody will see us!"

He looked around the tent and with a sigh, realized she was right. If they ever wanted to get intimate, they'd have to do it somewhere where they had privacy and he was sure Rachel wouldn't be happy just finding somewhere remote out in the forest to do it.

"You're right," he said. "You know, my parents were just telling me I needed to find somewhere more permanent."

"And you do. Somewhere where the world can't see us," she laughed.

She did find the whole situation funny after all. This was the Matt she knew so well, the one who came up with crazy ideas but never thought them through at first.

"I'll build us somewhere to live, I promise," he told her. "But for now..."

"No," she said, pushing him away. "You're not getting any until you fix this."

"But babe!" he whined.

"You heard me boy!"

She got out of the tent and walked down the path.

"I'll be hanging out with your brothers if you need me!" she called.

He groaned. She was too much to handle sometimes, but he loved the chase.


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