❅ Five ❅

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We landed in Aspen Colorado and I already felt the cold. To believe it or not, Colorado was colder than New York. We grabbed our suitcases and headed to a car that was going to take us to the cabin that his parents rented.

I looked out the window watching as the snow fell from the sky and melted as soon as it hit the ground, I sighed and then started moving my legs as my nervous kicked in as the car pulled up into a driveway that led to a gigantic house it was at least two times bigger than Joe's.

"Stop it...you're going to be fine, I'm nervous too, but they won't know a thing." I took in a deep breath and nodded my head as Joe took his seat belt off and then got out of the car. I slowly opened my door and got out.

I grabbed my bag but Joe took it off of me and placed his camera bag over my shoulder, "you can carry the lightest bag while I carry the rest." I crossed my arms, playfully.

"Oh so now you're calling me weak?" I said glaring at him as he laughed.

"No I'm not but if you walk into the house carrying your own bag then my mom will look at me like 'dude what the fuck are you doing be a gentleman and carry your girlfriends bag' and I don't want to hear it," I giggled and nodded my head,"just don't drop my camera," I nodded my head and then walked behind him to the house.

"What would happen if I did drop the camera bag?" he stopped walking and turned to me with a smile on his face. He took in a deep breath and then smiled at me again.

"Well then I'd have to kill you," he winked at me making me giggled and then he opened the front door now walking in and then shut the door after I walked in. "HELLO." he yelled as he set the bags down and then took his camera bag off of me and set it on the chair. I brushed the snow off of my jacket as I took my hat off and fixed my hair.

"JOSEPH," a women yelled then ran over and engulfed Joe into a hug as he laughed.

"Hey mom," she laughed and pulled away from him now cupping his face in her hands.

"You have gotten so handsome, look at you with some facial hair and muscles."

"Mom, you seriously sound like you're hitting on me right now," she laughed and then turned to me.

"Oh wow look at this beauty," I noticed Joe hit his forehead with his hand now keeping his eyes covered with his hand as he shook his head. I laughed and extended my hand to her.

"Hey I'm Demi, I'm taking a wild guess and say that you're Mrs. Jonas, Joe's mom," she laughed and nodded her head as she shook my hand.

"That would be me...Joe says I embarrass him a lot ,which is probably true. so just be pre-warned if I start talking about when he was a little boy." I giggled and looked at Joe as he grabbed the bags.

"I'm taking these upstairs...when I get back you better have moved onto a different topic." he looked at his mom then walked off leaving me alone. Now I was nervous, why couldn't he had found an excuse to take me with him? His mom smiled at me then led me to another room with some people in it and now my heart was racing.

"Joe always liked to be that last one to show." a curly hair guy chuckled.

Everybody turned and looked at me as we entered, I smiled as best as I could trying to work through the nervous as they all smiled at me.

"Guys this is Demi...Joe's girlfriend," I slightly waved as they laughed realizing I was nervous. "Demi, this is Kevin, my oldest son and this is Danielle, his beautiful wife. This is Alena, their daughter and then this is Nick and his girlfriend, Selena and then this is Frankie, the youngest and my husband Kevin Sr."

White Christmas.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora