Under a paper moon

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okay i have some bad news -.- this isnt edited at all -.- and this was before i improved my writing skills but i thought y'all deserved something right? anways whenever cat sends me the edited version i will post that instead :P


Chapter 8.

Under a paper moon.

 Soaking wet, we entered through the back door to his house both of us still in our swim suits and clothes in hand.
"oh my!" i heard mrs. moon gasp i just smiled sheepishly at her with a small blush on my face as i saw matthew and destery look me up and down slowly with smirks on their faces
"you two can go get cleaned up before dinner alright? and sarah you can give me your clothes and i'll just freshen them up in the wash for you" she said with a smile
"thank you mrs moon" i said smiling back and handing her my clothes "now go on you must be freezing" she said rushing us out of the room.
We walked through a hall of doors with names on all of the moon family except mr and mrs moon's room.
We got to a room right in between destery's room and matthew's room that had in gold lettering 'Shane' "how fancy" i mumbled but shane didnt seem to notice as he opened the door.
shane's room was huge! bigger then the first floor on my house there was a little gaming area with every game console i could think of, a huge canopy bed and two big flat screen tv's
-one for the gaming area and one for infront of his bed- the room was based off a deep chocolate brown color with gold and a little silver here and there.
the bed spread was the deep chocolate brown and a little gold colour with a lot of pillows, the two side table was simple two drawer mahogany table with a brown steel lamp with a cream
color lamp shade with gold swirls.
I let my eyes run over his room once more before i saw two glass doors a few feet away from his bed.. IT WAS A BALCONY "you have a balcony!" i said excitedly with a smile on my face
and sparkles in my eyes, he chuckled "yeah? you can see it after dinner perfect view of the stars and forest" he said walking to another door that blended into his wall, i didnt follow but
i knew it was the bathroom when i heard a shower start and him walking out after a moment or two "do you want the guest bathroom or mine?" he said smiling
"um yours i guess?" i said sounding unsure
"alright well its ready for you plenty of towels and soap you can use my shampoo and conditioner if you want" he said grabbing some clothes out of a walk in closet
"thank you" i mumbled walking into the giant bathroom, the walls were painted like a forest with a bunch of tree's but their was a small wall next to the shower where there were about nine
wolves howling up at the pretty big moon above them with a wolf head and a silver carnation painted inside 'must be their family crest' i thought stripping off my bikini and hopping in the
warm shower.

Once my hair was plenty wet i picked up the irish spring shampoo and scrubbed and did the same with the conditioner then washed my body.
After rinsing off i wrapped the towel around me and peaked into shane's room, on the bed were my clothes and bag and headed back to the bathroom getting dressed as i got dressed noticed
the door open and close to the room and someone singing trouble by nevershoutnever "i'm in trouble im an addict i'm addicted to this girl she's got my heart tied up in a knot and my stomach
in a whirl" the guy sang he had a nice voice but i soon realized it was shane singing which got me chuckling who knew right?.
i stepped out of the bathroom smiling but then noticed the room was empty or so i thought before two arms grabbed me and i screamed "RAPE!" i screamed and kicked the guy in the nutter
butters "mother of god!" said the guy dropping to the floor and i soon realized that voice belonged to shane i snapped my head up to the door slamming open, there stood shane's brothers
who were on the floor laughing while nala had a smirk on her face and mumbled he deserves it. I dropped to my knees and put shane's head in my lap "i'm sorry shaney bear i didnt know it
was you!" i said stroking the hair out of his face while his face was flushed and he was biting his lip i leaned down and pecked his lips slowly and he whined when i pulled away which had me

"come on guys beta, jace, dahvie and haymi (said like hey me) are here!" mrs moon yelled, i raised a eyebrow at shane and we got up and followed the rest downstairs i spotted four figures
by the door chatting with mr and mrs moon jace was holding a little girl that was at least three years old and a thirteen year old standing next to him with black hair and warm brown eyes
and very pale skin jace and him didnt look related besides their eyes and lips and the little girl must've been the cutest baby i've ever seen, she had curly blonde hair piled up in a small
pony tail on top of her head and blue innocent eyes and was wearing a red dress sucking her thumb, i looked up at the beta and suddenly images poured through my eyes and showed me a
scene of two wolves fighting one golden the other black while there was another wolf in the background whimpering and bloody, soon the gold wolf went for the kill shot and suceeded and
ran over to the other white and grey wolf and started whimpering with it and licked its face and nudging it occasionly trying to keep it awake even though the gold wolf knew she wasnt gonna
make it, another vision appeared and it was the beta crying with children with him and the alpha hugging him the beta kepting sobbing it was his fault even though it truly wasnt.
Everything went back to normal and everyone was staring at me but i didnt pay any attention to them just stared at the beta. "Sarah?" shane whispered and squeezed my hand, thats when
i snapped out of it. "sorry i was just thinking about something" i said nervously  "its quite alright dear. But as i was saying this is beta Devon Warmston" she said smiling
i looked up at the beta again and actually took in his look's he stood a 6'3 in height, black hair that stopped right at his collarbone and was layered, his eyes golder then the
sun, his nose straight and cheek bones high, he was just the right kind of muscled just enough but not too little, when i looked him up again i gave him a what the heck look he looked
a year older then me no wrinkles or any signs of aging.
he chuckled at my expression "I'm not their father i'm their older brother" he said smiling 
"but.." he cut me off by saying "our parents died died a few years ago"
"i'm sorry" i said running up to hug him, he seemed shocked but then hugged me back. i pulled back and smiled up at him.

Dinner was awesome the food amazing of course, conversation was normal but something seemed kinda off and the beta kept staring at me.

After helping clean up with dinner it was about eight and was pitch dark out and i was getting tired but shane insisted that i come to his room real quick.
"shaaneeey bear i wanna go home" i whined as he pulled me up the stairs
"just hush it will be worth it" shane said in his alpha tone
"oooh shane just used his alpha voice on me!" i accused with fake shock in my voice
he just smirked and led me into his room and out to the balcony, i never got to see all his balcony it was shaded by curtains but now i am seeing it in full and its huge theres
a outdoor victorian coffee table and a bench swing set for two or three.
I looked up and smiled up at the moon and stars smiling down at me. "its beautiful shane" i said dreamily still staring at the stars only did i notice i was moving till i plopped down
on the swing set with shane holding my hand, his smile brighter then the stars. "glad you like it" he said pulling me into his side and resting his arm on my shoulders.

I turned my head to see shane looking intently at me with doubt and confusing glazed over his eyes, "shaney bear?" i whispered still looking at him
"yah sarah?" he whispered back half heartedly
"nothing nevermind" i whispered back looking down at my hands, but that seemed to snap him out of it because next thing i know his hand is under my chin and his lips on mine,
"what is-" i cut him off with my lips and throwing my arms around his neck, he immediatly responded with his lips and wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him,
he pulled away "shane" i whimpered as he moved his lips to my neck, up my jaw and just hovered above my lips "be mine" he said those simple words but i think we both knew the
answer. i smiled and nodded and he smiled a full blown smile and kissed me slowly before we heard a knock on the door to his room "hey kids keep it PG" we heard alpha moon say
shanes face had a small blush as he got off me but more or less he had a goofy smile on his face "come on we should get you home" he said still smiling leading me downstairs and
out the door. we got to the big oak tree where me and alex used to meet but now me and shane meet here. i hopped off the atv and took off my helmet and shane did the same
"are you sure  you can get home the rest of the way without me?" shane said sounding unsure
"i'll be fine i'll call you when i get home but if i dont you can start searching for my body" i said chuckling.
he smiled and hopping back the atv "i'll be sure to do that" he said starting the atv up and driving off with a wave.
"Sarah" someone said hissing but me being me i just shook my head and started walking to the exit of this forest "Sarah" it hissed again this time it made me stop dead in  my
tracks, i turned around quickly and breathed a sigh of relief when it was just devon the beta "you scared me dev" i said smiling but my smile faded as he growled and charged at
me, i was rammed up against the closest tree. i let out a cry of pain feeling the bark of the wood scrape my arms and back "i know you saw" he hissed
"s-saw what" i said scared to the bones
"the vision of the three wolves" he growled
"what does it matter if i did?" i whispered back
he looked down breathing heavily then he suddenly snapped his head back up staring at me right in the eyes, i started trembling when i saw his golden eyes glowing and canines extending,
he stepped back a few steps and shifted fully into the golden wolf from my vision, he howled up to the moon and looked at me then growled, thats when i lost it and screamed my
hardest when he charged and dug his claws into my arms "dont you ever touch her!" a vicious voice said as he ripped off the wolf and thats when i blacked out from shock and blood

A/N: pretty good for a comeback chapter ehh??
five votes and one comment before i post again whenever it gets to there i will post immediately :) oooh btw x]
AND ALSO WHOEVER MY 95th FAN WILL GET TO BE ONE TOO but if you dont want to be then i can ask someone else :)


Song on the side: Under a paper moon by all time low Cover by:    ofViceandVirtue92

EXTERNAL LINK: A NIGHT WITH DRACULA by kissmybff (my new story im really excited for it :D)

Picture on the side: picture of alex in animated form ;) (well it kinda looks like him xD)

happy readings :P

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