Chapter Six

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(Sarah's POV)

The next morning I woke up engulfed in Peter's arms, I smiled to myself, it felt so safe to just lay here, next to him. I didn't want it to end but we had a full day ahead of us.

I gazed upon his sleeping face a minute longer before I pried myself from his grip. But he groaned and pulled me closer still to him.

"Five more minutes," he mumbled into my hair.

I disappeared and reappeared next to the bed. "Sorry, but you promised to help me with my wolf problem." I crossed my arms.

He sighed and rolled off the bed, "Fine, but you owe me."

Oh. My. Gosh. His morning voice could kill.

I nodded at him. I snapped my fingers and green and black smoke surrounded me, when it cleared, I was dressed in a loose tank top and athletic shorts.

"I'm going to the kitchen to get breakfast." I said, and walked out before I could make a complete girl of myself.

Since there were no windows in his house, it was dark as pitch, I turned some of the lights on so I could find my way to the kitchen. I still didn't know how the things in this kitchen worked so I made some toast and jam appear.

Pan joined me a few minutes later, looking only slightly more awake than I left him. He practically fell into the seat next to me.

"Are you always like this in the morning?" I smirked.

"No, usually I'm awake when I get to camp in the morning." He mumbled.

"Here, take some coffee." I conjured a mug and handed it to him.

"You know I have a coffee maker right?" He rose an eyebrow.

"I don't know what that, or anything else in this kitchen is." I retorted.

He shook his head smiling, he then proceeded to show me the fridge, stove, microwave, dishwasher, exc.

"They all come from a realm where there's no magic so they rely on science instead." He explained. I was only slightly confused and nodded to show I understood.

"So how are you gonna help me with control?" I asked him.

"Well, what would you say to me if I told you you could stay awake on the full moon and control the wolf?" I stared at him.

"That's not possible Pan." I stuttered.

"Yes it is, and I can help."

I grin broke out on my face, I hugged him. "Thank you so much, I don't know how I could ever repay this."

He rose a eyebrow, "Oh, don't worry, I have a few ideas." He smirked, I rolled my eyes.

"Will a simple hug do?" I asked.

"It couldn't hurt," he pulled me towards him.

I leaned in and gave him a tight hug, but quickly pulled away. He gave me a puppy dog face.

"We have about seventy hungry Lost Boys to feed, we can do that later. Oh, and remember, I'm supposed to be mad at you, so I hope your acting skills are ok." I told him.
He let out a huge breath off air, "Thank Goodness! I was worried you'd be the type of girl who wanted to tell everyone!"

"Pan, don't insult me."

"I'm not it's just, I don't want anyone to know either." He defended.

I nodded, "Good, let's go. And what do you mean tell everybody? About what?"

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