Chapter 3

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Niall walked back into the living room with a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt for me to wear. Thankfully I'm fairly tall so the clothes weren't ridiculously large on me. He pointed out the bathroom to me and I threw him a thankful smile as I closed the door behind me and locked it.

Looking in the mirror, I saw a confused girl. She was in a predicament with high stakes. If anything went wrong with the fast-paced divorce Niall and I were starting, my entire private life could go down the crapper. 

I quickly changed into the clothes before exiting the bathroom and tossing my clothes onto my purse with the rest of my things. Niall was sitting on the couch at this point, staring intensely at the T.V. screen where a rerun on a previous football match was playing. He was mumbling to himself and groaning when bad calls were made against one team. 

Striding over to the chair next to the couch, I plopped down and started to watch the game. I wasn't a huge sports fan, but I didn't mind watching a game here and there. Niall didn't even look my way, he was too invested in the game. It wasn't until a commercial break came on that he snapped out of his testosterone driven haze and noticed my presence. 

"Sorry about that" he told me with a smile "I tend to get  a little into football matches when I watch them. I'm away so much that I only ever get to watch reruns; this game is actually from a few weeks ago, but I couldn't resist when I saw it was playing"

"It's fine" I told him with a reassuring smile "my dad's the same way, we can never get him away from the screen when a match is playing" my eyes glazed over with a few unshed tears as I talked about my dad. We were so close and it was sometimes hard to be away from them. They lived a few hours away and could rarely visit; I missed them. 

Niall just nodded, "My family's the same way, I miss them too" he gave me an understanding smile "It's hard being away form the ones you love, I've had to learn that the hard way. For the rest of the boys, it's fun to be back in England during our breaks, but I'm still not home" his eyes looked far away as he recalled his childhood home. 

Unsure of what to do, I just sat there and nodded. When he realized his silence Niall looked at me apologetically. "Sorry about that, it's just hard, you know" I gave him my most understanding look.

"I know exactly what you mean"

For the rest of the night, the two of us shared stories about growing up. I told him about the time my friends and I skipped school to go into the city and got caught by our parents when we arrived home two hours late from "school". Niall told me about the time he and his friends spent the night before finals at a bar and were too drunk to take any of their exams the next morning. We laughed, we smiled and we had a great time. 

We ended the night by watching some late night T.V, even though it was a show neither of us had ever seen before, and I drifted to sleep on my chair before the show had ended. I slept better that night that I had in ages.

A/N: So, I know everyone is probably a tad bit upset at me for not updating, but bear with me! I wrote a chapter for both this and my other story Never Meant To Be, and both of that chapters were deleted before I could finish. School started and I had zero time to rewrite them.  Updates will be very slow since I'm in a constant state of writer's block, but I will try my best. Love  you all :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2013 ⏰

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