the day i feel normal

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01/08 -- the day i feel normal.



For once, nothing happened. Today was nothing,  like a blank in a memory or a corrupted polaroid im a set. Today was the most normal I had been. I made cookies and cake with Michael before he took me out for lunch, and he let me sketch him into my drawing pad in exchange for him writing a song about me. Today, I found out that I'm not too bad at singing, and neither is Michael.

We took a bike ride around our previous route, too. I didn't want to push him down the hill like I did last time, and although I fell down it again, he made sure to rush up to me and cover my scarred knees with the plasters he had in his back pocket. He ended up carrying me back to my house again, and kissed me when I told him his eyes were pretty. He played with my hair and cuddled with me, and for once, I felt normal.

That was, up until now.

He's sleeping next to me, now. The bedroom lights are off, except from the dim light washing around the lamp on my nightstand. I keep thinking of the gun in the drawer, although I know I shouldn't. I'd worked so hard to get it, and... And it's the last of Calum I can ever have.

The gun is in my hand, now.

This is where it ends.

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