Chapter One

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Hello everyone reading this. Firstly, I'd like to thank you for giving this a go. It's a new story idea I came up with just the other day. I'd love to know what you guys think of it and whether I should continue it or not. Thanks!

If I do continue it, I'm currently thinking it'll be a short story and would be no longer than 10 chapters. Hope you all like the chapter!

This is dedicated to Tyanna103 because she's the first person who voted and added this story to their reading list. Thank you so much! =D


"Like I said; you can run but you can't hide. Everyone knows that," I snarl at the man lying at my feet.

His grey jeans are fraying at the bottom, there is a trail of rips up his right leg and one large rip at the knee of his left leg. Fresh blood stains the hole's rim. He desperately reaches his hands out behind him only to be met with a cold brick wall. He crawls back as far as he can before his back thuds against the looming wall. He's cornered and he knows it.

"Pl-Please," he begs rather breathlessly.

No wonder. He's not much of a runner. None of them are. 'Tis a shame they lost their wings in the fall. For them at least. It's a great advantage to my kind.

"Tell me, Jasper," I hiss. "Where's your leader?"

Jasper's terror is evident on his face. It's been plastered there ever since he found out who I was. Funny how I still take a little pleasure in this after these past few years.

"I-I don't know."

"Hmm you sure about that?" I demand, sliding my knife out from my holster that rests on my own jean clad leg.

Jasper gulps. "I'm sure. I've never even met him before."

"Hmm somehow I think you're lying," I say, staring down intently at the now trembling Jasper.

I take a few steps closer to him before leaning down. I push the knife against his neck, dragging him to standing position in a matter of seconds.

"H-He lives over passed Mount Damien. Or so I've heard," he struggles to say.

“The mountain which is named after ‘Damien’ which means ‘Devil’?” I press.



I look into his golden brown eyes and wait a few seconds before removing the blade from his skin. I lap up the fear in his eyes as though I were a cat drinking from my bowl of water.

"There's no way I can possibly tell whether or not you're telling the truth. But I think I'll give you the benefit of the doubt," I state before turning back to the forest we came from.

I squeeze the knife in my hand hard enough that if I were human, I'd draw blood. I then begin to chant “Da mihi telum meam” three times. The knife then turns into a bow. Leaves cover it from the limb of the bow to the limb on the other side. I squat so I can pick up a recently fallen branch. At my touch, it turns into an arrow.

Jasper has recovered from the knife incident and has pulled himself up off the ground. From his face, I can tell that he thinks it’s over. That he’s safe. If only he knew.

I turn back to face Jasper when I reach the opening of the forest. Sandwiched between two tall Coniferous trees, I am at my strongest: My home.

I settle myself into a neutral stance by placing my feet shoulder-width apart and stand perpendicular to Jasper. My target. I point the bow down to the ground. As I’m holding it in my bow hand (my left hand), I place the shaft of the arrow on the arrow rest with my drawing hand (my right hand). I place my thumb on the string, curling my fingers around the thumb to add some support. Then, I bring the bow up in line with my torso and aim it towards Jasper.

That's when he notices. Realisation dawns on his face and he looks as though I have slapped him. He knows he's not safe. He knows there's nowhere to run and definitely nowhere to hide. I look through the sight window of my bow and stare carefully at Jasper. I notice him flinch, a sure sign he's going to try and make a run for it.

Funny. The only way he can run is towards me. The one wth the bow and arrow aiming it right at him. I am the one with the advantage. Yet he still plans on running toward me. Fine. It's his choice. He can run but he must know that he's just running towards death.

Sure enough, he pushes off his left foot and begins sprinting right in my line of vision. He doesn't even bother trying to move out of my aim. Stupid boy.

I open my fingers out and my thumb automatically relaxes. This allows the string to slide off my thumb and ram itself directly into Jasper's chest. It cuts through his cotton white t-shirt with ease. Blood splatters on his shirt and in a matter of seconds, it's drenched.

That's ironic. To be wearing white even though you're a fallen angel. I will never understand their kind.

Jasper falls to his knees, screaming out in pain. I reach down and pick up another dead branch. With my touch, it automatically turns into an arrow just like the first one. Again, I reload my bow before firing the new arrow at him. Bullseye. It hits him square between his eyes. His weakest point.

He reaches his hands out in front of him. As if that would help. There's a loud thud as they fall heavily onto the hard concrete. He looks up at me and his golden brown eyes he'd looked at me with only minutes before have now begun to turn to a fiery orange.

With one final deafening scream, he collapses on the now welcoming concrete. His body automatically combusts as it touches it and turns into sparks of fire in a matter of a millisecond.

Handy when this happens. Means there's no dead body for me to have to clean up. 

I turn and begin to walk back into the dense forest. My green cloak blows behind me with the slight wind that suddenly picked up. The leaves that dust my cloak and hood rustle ever so slightly in the small breeze. The sudden breeze blows my blonde hair out at the sides of my hood and the cloth that covers my mouth waves slightly.

My job here is done.

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