The Lost Asylum

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As your Narrarator, I feel compelled to tell you something of the utmost importantance. Do not take this tale lightly. For the ones who take it lightly, do not live to tell their own.

Deep, inside of the darkness of the open sea, there's an island. On this island, there's a society. A society composed of the mentally insane. Some would like to say that, in this civilization, most will perish. Others see it as merely a old wives tale.

This society is ruled by a hierarchy, just like any other place. But this hierarchy is nothing to mess with. It is called The Lost Asylum; and it is one of this world's many mysteries. Partially because no one outside of the island can find it. Yet, it holds within eight to ten hundred people.

No more, no less.

Each person was kept under servailance, for fear they'd lash out at any moment. The nurses and patients were well aqainted with one another, as were the patients and the gaurds. Each branch of staff had a job and worked in orderly fashions.

All except one.

Nurse Mary-Beth, was hired during the second mass employment production. She was found in the fourth group of people that were hired on the first day. Mary-Beth had no personal background and had basically been discovered from no where.

Her first day was one of excitement and sheer joy. Her co-workers adored her and she knew each one of the patients. Mary-Beth was a wonder to each and everyone of us. She was recruited to three different sections within her first five weeks. As result, the manager had assigned her to head nurse. She was growing in both fame and family in our book.

Pretty soon the asylum proved to be too much for her. Just as it did for the others. She began to take late shifts and was rarely seen by anyone. She slowly but surely, started taking on her own proceedures; telling her co-workers that there was nothing to worry about. She was only "Taking us out for a check-up..."

After three days of that, she stopped talking. She wouldn't do so much as to make eye contact with us. We began to suspect something was wrong with her. The gaurds had come to fear her presence. Everyone was wrapped up in their own lies and opinions.

Later on, two patients had gone missing. An alarm was sounded and all of the gaurds were on high alert. The next day, the two patients were found by a cleaning maid. In a cellar, below the kitchen room. They were, as the maid told us, hung by ropes and deprived of all flesh. Their eyes were gouged and their throats were slit. Speculations had spun, still, towards one person. Though, Mary-Beth remained silent.

After countless rumors about her absence were spilled, Mary was sent to jail. The people had continued to fear her and demand that she'd be killed. Soon the conflict began to die down and Mary-beth had indeed faded to a memory in their minds.

It was only when the patients discovered that little boy, by the name of Victor Heed, did things spin out of control. Mary-Beth would come to the asylum to speak to him, daily, when she was released. She'd begun to take a strong liking to the boy. It was almost possesive in a way. Yet, Victor clung to her like a boy to his favorite toy.

The two formed a tight bond, stronger than anyone i'd ever seen. Though no one ever believed the young man. He'd tell them, constantly, that Mary-Beth was assigned to be his personal nurse. Everyone thought that they'd known better. His plea's and statements were useless cries that were drowned through the silence. Though this young man had one person who knew he was right.

I knew that Victor was telling the truth, even if no one else did. Victor and I both understood that Mary-Beth was special to him. That she would care for him, when everyone else turned on him. Everyone thought I was crazy too. But I stuck with Victor through and through. Until, one night, at four in the morning, Mary-Beth showed up at Victor's bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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