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"One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood."
-Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Students were too busy with their friend groups or make out sessions to pay special attention to my entry. I was just like another unnoticeable nerds for them, and believe me I was extremely happy about it since I didn't liked any kind of attention.

"Hello Miss Andy Davis, please do fill this form before entering your classes with all your necessary details. And don't forget to take college map with you since you are a newbie here." Mrs Emily Camus, Lady at the counter said politely.

She was so well behaved since normally people at counter were so damn rude according to my previous experiences.
"Thank you, Mrs Camus" I replied with a genuine smile.

My first class was Finance and according to map it was on the second building of the campus. I entered the second building, but it was not an easy task to find exact location of my class since this building was so huge in itself. After wandering here and there for ten minutes I was finally able to see my class.

"And here I thought college will be over by the time I find my first class" I mumbled sarcastically. I still was having five minutes of time left before starting of the class so I sighed in relief.

"Hey girls, look we've got a poor nerdy here" a hot blonde girl said to her friends smugly. They all started laughing. All of them were dolled-up so perfectly that for once I thought they were some famous models straight out of the magazines and it was obvious from their dressing that they all were rich. I ignored them and moved straight to my new class as they all were giving me serious bitch vibes.

As I entered my new class few eyes turned my way. Some of them started gossiping, and some seemingly indifferent to my arrival resumed their activity. I didn't paid much attention to them and took my seat next to a cute ginger head girl. She also seemed nerdy due to her big glasses and for some reasons I felt relieved.

"Hello my name is Clara Williams. You must be a new student here!!" she asked with a smile.

"Andy Davis, yes I've recently transferred here on a scholarship." I replied with a smile.

We both talked about numerous things like our families, interests, favourite books, friends and whatnot. Talking with her felt so effortless that for once I forgot we had just met. I realized we both were similar in many ways. She indeed was a very sweet and easy going girl.

"Its a relief to see at least you are the one so polite and simple here. No offense but most students here seems so rich and bitchy too" I replied shaking my head.

"Haha, none taken. You are so cute. Don't mind I'm rich too but I don't like to showoff like others. I like to keep it simple. Now don't you dare to call me bitch since I'm rich too." she said pouting.

"No girl you are too sweet for that" I laughed. "I strongly feel that we're going to be very good friends. We both seem to have many things in common so we qualify all the criteria to be best friends, like live-and-die together kind of best friends " I said jokingly.

"Well you are so dramatic, but damn right nerdy" she laughed and offered her hands, "So, Best friends!!"

I happily shook them and replied, "Best friends"

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