Baby Sister (One Direction Fan Fiction)

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Chapter 1: Adopted

Malvina's P.O.V

 I'm sat in my usual spot in the park across the street from the moleberry orphanage that I live at. I'm sitting up in a tree watching as the families go about there playing, not even knowing I'm here. All of a sudden I hear yelling right beneath me. I look down to see 2 boys fighting over a football(soccer), one has blond hair like me and the other has curly brown. As I'm watching the 2 boy play fight over the ball I see another boy with a buzz cut run over to them and try to help the blond one. "Niall, pass it!" the buzz cut says and the blond one kicks him the ball. Apparently, he kicked so hard he lost his footing and ended up flat on his back looking up at me. I was sat frozen in my spot staring into his blue eyes. The other 2 boys along with 2 more came rushing over to his sides blocking him from my view. I shift to get as close to the trunk of the tree as I can get my small body, as I see the blond swivel his head around his friends trying to get a better look at me as I cower in the tree.

" Niall what are you looking at?" the light brown haired one asks as he looks up at the tree as well making eye contact with me instantly.

"Oh! Well hello there!" he says to someone, oh wait he is talking to me. I slowly take my left hand off the tree and wave at him slowly, my eyes really big as I can't believe someone is actually talking to me. By now all the other boys are looking up at me as well waving at me.

"What's your name love?" the buzz cut asked, smiling up at me.

"Malvina." I whispered, gripping onto the tree again to steady my spinning head.

"Sorry, we didn't quite catch that?" the black quiffy haired boy said "Could you say that again just a tiny bit louder?"

I took a deep breath before repeating "Malvina" a little louder, "My names Malvina."

"Malvina! What a beautiful name, for a beautiful girl!" the light brown haired one said.

"Thanks" I said quietly looking at my dangling legs.

"So Malvina what are you doing up there sweetheart?" the buzz cut said. "Are you stuck?" the blond said still lightly brushing the dirt off his trousers.

"No, I can just jump down." I said getting more comfortable with them.

"Well I don't want you to get hurt so I would preffer you let us help you down. If you don't mind?" buzz cut said. I shook my head no and slow move to the lower branches. I lower my legs down and I feel someone grab hold of my legs and I let go of the tree. It feels like I'm falling for a few seconds so I close my eyes and when I opened them again I was looking into buzz cuts pretty brown eyes. He was smiling down at me as he held me in his arms like a baby.

"Nice to meet you Malvina." he said as he started to walk over to a blanket, the rest of the boys following behind. "By the way my names Liam." he said " and those goofballs behind us are Louis" the boy with the light brown hair waved at me, "Harry," I got a wink and a wave from the curly haired one, "Zayn," I got a shy smile from the quiffy one, "and last but not least, Niall." "Hello" the blond said in a strange accent.

"Hello" I said as we reached the blanket and sat down. I saw that they had a small picnic basket, I licked my lips, I hadden't gotten much food this week because the ophanage only had so much money and they had to feed quite a few children so one measley 5 year old isn't one of their top priorities.

"You hungery love?" Louis, I think it was asked.

"No I'm fine." I said but saddly my belly gave me away when it growled rather loudly. "Maybe a little bit, sorry." I said looking down at my lap. "Nothing to appologize about Malvina." Liam said while passing me a peanut butter and jelly sandwitch. I took it greatfully and started eating.

"So Mali, mind if I call you Mali?" Louis asked I shook my head no and he continued "Where are your parents?" This took me by serprise. So I thought for a while before saying "Mommy and Daddy had to go to heaven so I live over there." I pointed to the orphanage and the boys seemed to soften at my words. "I am so sorry sweetie I should have..." Louis tried to say but I cut him off. "Its okay I don't remember it that much anyways." I smile up at Louis.

Baby Sister (One Direction Fan Fiction) ****DISCONTINUED****Where stories live. Discover now