CHAPTER 3 - 'Tis the Season... for Haughty Debutantes

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IT WAS FINALLY HAPPENING. My worst nightmare has come true. The world was ending and I was there to see the events unfold.

"Izzy!" I wailed, my distress clearly written across my face.

"What is it?" she yelled back. She didn't bother hide the annoyance that had crept into her voice.

"Philip died," I sobbed.

"Your pet rock?" she asked sarcastically. "You had him for what? A day? And he's already dead?"

"You don't have to rub it in," I cried and threw myself dramatically onto Izzy's bed.

"Sky, stop being so histrionic," Addie cut in from her spot on the window seat. "It's not becoming of a lady."

"Stop being so smart with your big words," I replied childishly and stuck my tongue out at her. "And what if I don't want to be a lady?"

"Well then—" she started to say before Izzy cut her off.

"Darling, we all know that Sky will never be a lady," she drawled. "She's too... wild."

"Thank you," I grinned cheekily.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Addie and I glance at each other before jumping up racing to the door. Me, being the closest, reached door first. 

The messenger on the other side widened his eyes as I flung the door open. He obviously wasn't expecting a maid with hair that resembled a porcupine's back to open it.

"Princess Isabella, your presence is requested in the throne room," he said stiffly once he got over his shock. He gave a small bow before leaving.

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," I sniffed.

"Alright, stop insulting the poor messenger," Izzy said. "It's not his fault he always looks like he got dung under his nose."

Addie snorted while I doubled over in laughter. Tears were streaming out of our eyes as we laughed uncontrollably.

Izzy got up and started walking towards the door then turned around. "Are you guys coming or not?"

"We can come?" I asked. "You're parents won't be upset? Especially your mother?"

"Yes, you can come. And I don't think you would care if they were upset," she replied. "Now, let's go see what Mother and Father want this time."

We walked silently down to the throne room. The mood was somber, though I didn't know why. However, I had a sneaking suspicion that Izzy knew exactly what was going on.

"Isabella, darling," Queen Lilian said as we entered the throne room. "Oh, hello Adeline, my dear. Skylar."

Queen Lilian never liked me much. I was always the one who got in trouble making messes around the castle. I remember her look of displeasure whenever I was caught. Though it wasn't often, that look isn't easily forgotten.

Xavier was slouched in a chair next to King Charles' throne. He gave us a lazy smile and a wink. I narrowed my eyes. That arrogant bastard.

"We have an announcement to make," Queen Lilian said.

"Should we be scared?" I muttered.

"Skylar, I will have to ask you to hold your tongue," she scolded and gave me the Look.

"Xavier," King Charles continued. "We have decided that, since you have continuously refused to pick a bride, we will be invoking the Choosing Rite. We are inviting ten debutantes to the palace to participate."

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