Chapter Nine

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   As beautiful as they were, Harry had agreed when Draco suggested they change out of their robes. "I couldn't believe it when I saw you," he'd said, hanging his up in Harry's wardrobe. "We might as well have worn a flashing sign saying 'We're a fucking couple.'"

Harry leant him his black three-quarter length coat, which was just about passable as stylish and therefore not likely to make Draco spontaneously combust. He then threw on his other jacket along with a scarf and a beanie hat, and they were ready to go.

He'd looked up the best place to apparate to, but was still relieved when they appeared in London and there was no one in the little alley to see them. They were surrounded by corrugated metal sheets and floodlights, holes in the ground and barriers with yellow and black hazard warning stripes painted on them.

"How romantic," Draco drawled. "You've brought me to a construction site?" He raised an eyebrow and looked at Harry, who just chuckled.

"They're still moving everything around with the station and new cross-rail line – look up."

He squeezed Draco's hand as they both craned their necks. And then Draco took a step back, his head falling back even further. "How high is that building?" he cried.

Harry was glad he was impressed. "It's the Shard," he explained. "The tallest building in Europe."

Draco looked back down at him. "Is that our hotel?" he asked a little stunned, and Harry was very glad he had such a huge overdraft on his credit card. To see that look on his boyfriend's face before they'd even got inside was worth it.

The fact he could call him his boyfriend again was even better.

"It's a lot of things," Harry said, leading them out of the alleyway to a more busy street with plenty of Muggles walking by, making the most of their Saturday night. "But yeah, our hotel's part of it. You impressed?"

"No," said Draco, smirking at him.

Harry rubbed his thumb on the back of his hand as they made their way up a flight of stairs towards the base of the skyscraper. It probably wasn't wise holding hands in public in late night London, some homophobe drunk might have tried to start something. But Harry was on cloud nine, and willing to lose his Auror's licence by hexing someone if they so much said a word to him.

But they made it through the front doors without incident, and Harry had to stop and marvel himself at the huge expanse of the Shard's lobby. It was all marble floors and modern art and square chandeliers dripping with crystals.

"Harry this is beautiful," Draco said quietly.

Harry glanced over at him as they headed to the front desk. "I didn't think I was going to get this moment with you," he said just as softly. "I thought I'd lost you. I wanted it to be special."

Draco was quiet as Harry confirmed his reservation, and the clerk sent them over to the bank of elevators to head up to the thirty fourth floor where Shangri La had its own reception for them to actually check in.

The lift doors closed and Harry turned so he was in front of Draco. "Hey," he whispered. "You've got that guilty look back again?"

"Because I'm feeling guilty," Draco mumbled.

The lift was moving so fast Harry's ears popped and he guessed they were nearly at their floor, but he went in for a kiss regardless. "Everyone makes mistakes," he said, wishing he hadn't dampened the mood. "Please don't be sad. I'm so happy right now, I want you to be too – we make mistakes and we learn from them, that's what's important."

Draco took a deep breath and managed a little smile as the doors opened with a ping. "Okay," he said, almost managing conviction.

They checked in with the woman Harry had spoken to on the phone, before heading back into a different set of elevators that took them up another several floors. Harry twirled their key card between his fingers, and stopped when they got to the right door.

"Um," he said, suddenly feeling shy. "Close your eyes for me?" Draco laughed but did as he was told, and Harry quickly slipped the card into the handle, making the lock click and swinging the door inwards. He darted in a few steps to slot the card into the holder by the door, enabling him to turn the lights on and survey the scene. It looked better than he'd hoped, but nerves still fluttered in his stomach.

He was torn between wanting to surprise Draco with a romantic gesture and not overwhelming him, but he figured he'd wasted enough time being too coy and just hoped he wasn't going overboard.

"Harry?" Draco growled, getting antsy standing in the corridor with his eyes shut, so Harry nipped back and gently entwined their fingers, walking backwards and pulling Draco forwards.

"Keep them closed," he whispered, freeing one of his hands to close the door with magic and throw up a few protective and silencing charms.

"If I trip Potter," Draco threatened idly. "I swear..."

Harry stopped when they were in the centre of their suite's living area and took a deep breath. "Okay," he said, mentally crossing his fingers. "You can open them."

He'd not turned all the lights on, just the side lamps to give the place atmosphere. Still Draco blinked, adjusting his eyes before widening them.

The windows were floor to ceiling, all along the outside walls, offering a dizzying view of night time London hundreds of feet below. Their suite was furnished in warm cream and bronze colours with a plush lavender carpet and decals of blossom branches creeping up the wall panels. The living room held a large squishy looking sofa, a heavy wooden desk, glass coffee table and a TV almost as big as the wall itself. To the right of the door there was an expansive bathroom with a standalone bear claw tub, and next to that, with the same awe-inspiring windows as the lounge, was the bedroom, filled with a bed so large it was near enough as big as Harry's whole flat.

But he suspected that wasn't what Draco was gawping at. Because, as per Harry's request, littering every surface of the room there were at least a dozen vases, filled to the brim with purply-blue flowers with delicate petals and dark green leaves fanning around the lip of the vases like a bowl, clutching the flowers up in a bulbous formation. On the table was a large box of heart shaped chocolates, waiting next to which were two icy cold tumblers of gin and tonic.

Harry could feel his lips press together anxiously as he watched Draco take it all in. He wanted to ask if it was too much, but he clamped his teeth down on his tongue, letting Draco absorb the moment.

"Violets," he breathed after what felt like forever.

"Yes," Harry whispered.

Draco turned his head, this way and that, taking them all in. "Roses are red," he said, coming back to face Harry, his expression lighting up with a grin. "Violets are blue. I was a fucking idiot, to ever leave you."

He seized Harry, delving in for a ferocious kiss, one hand in his hair, the other palm flattened against his back, pressing their bodies tightly together as Harry reciprocated, dropping his overnight bag and wrapping his arms tightly around Draco's body.

"It's not too much?" he gasped between crushing lips and tongues.

Draco began to slow down, his kisses becoming more tender. "It's perfect," he said, inhaling slowly, running his thumbs along Harry's jaw line, pressing their temples together and sighing. "It's ours, it's us, but...grander. Like we're coming out to whole world."

Harry broke into a ridiculous grin that he was sure Draco could feel where they were cheek to cheek.

"Yeah," he said happily. "That's sort of what I was going for."

He eased them apart, shirking out of his coat, hat and scarf, and Draco followed suit, getting comfortable in their home for the night. Harry scooped up the tumblers and handed one to Draco, chinking them together in a toast. "To a bizarre night," he said warmly.

Violets (A Drarry FanFiction - Roses are Red, Violets are Blue Part 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora