Blood Sisters

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When I close my eyes I can still see her portrait as clear as if it was right in front of me. I can see Cressida and Holly too, sitting on the end of their beds drinking noodle soup and eating toast. I can hear them laughing at something that's probably not even funny. We used to let jokes drag on for months, sometimes even years. None of us ever wanted to let them go.

I can still see the old house too. But when I imagine it I see it from above, like a bird. I fly over the forest and I see the smattering of old stone buildings and the road leading into the mountains. I can even see the cottage at the edge of the forest where the boys lived. It's light is burning like a beacon. I haven't seen Cressida or Holly or any of the boys for a few years now but I know we're bound together forever. We're bound by something stronger than regular people. Probably stronger than family for the ironic reason than none of us had one. 

It's more than that though. It's what we went through that binds us. Not just what happened at the end but all the years we spent at Sisters of the Cross. We came there as kids no-one else wanted but we left as family. It's hard to explain without starting at the beginning. So here it goes...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2013 ⏰

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