little baby✧

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louis didn't ask for an incredibly adorable neighbor, but when he got one he didn't complain. when he first spotted the boy, he was on his way to a meeting. louis is a very busy man and has numerous responsibilities to take care of, but once louis laid his eyes on him he couldn't help but stare. how could you not? his hair was long and beautiful, half up in a little bun and the rest drapping onto his shoulders. he was tall and lean and absolutely stunning. louis looked down at his watch and groaned, he was already late. well what's the point of going to work if you're already late right?

louis straightened his suit jacket before walking over to his new neighbor's house. from what louis could tell, the angel was carrying his boxes into the house when the poor thing tripped over his worn down boots. his stuff went flying and the boy fell on his knees. louis, of course, quickly ran over to aid to him.

"oh my, are you alright, love?" he asked in a rather concerned voice as he helped the boy off the ground.

"im fine. i think. it happens all the time." his voice was deep and smooth and he was even prettier up close. his eyes were the prettiest shade of green and his pretty pink lips matched his pink cheeks, he was obviously flustered.

"you took quite the fall. are you sure you're okay?" he asked again looking up at the boy. it never bothered him that he was a little on the short side, because what he lacks in height he makes up for in the size of his...

"im sure. just a little cut, nothing a band-aid can't fix!" the neighbor blew a strand of his pretty hair out of his face and smiled shyly at louis. "im harry by the way, im assuming you're my neighbor?" he asked in sweetest voice louis had ever heard.

"yeah, i live right next door." louis spoke to the boy as they picked up all of the fallen belongings. "oh, and im louis, but you can call me whatever you'd like. it's lovely to meet you, sweetheart."

harry blushed even more and thanked louis quietly as he put the box by the door. "it's nice to meet you too louis." he looked down at the ripped hole in his jeans as well as the scrape on his knee from falling.

"why don't you come over and i can help clean that up for you, yeah?" louis asked softly and grinned at the boy.

"oh no no, it's okay. i don't want to cause you any trouble." harry bounced on the balls of his feet a little and put his hands behind his back.

"you won't, love. now, come on. lets get you all cleaned up?" louis held out his arm and smiled cheekily at the boy, wait for a response.

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alrighty, i know this "chapter" was a little short but it's only because i want to make sure people actually want to read it && are interested in this !!
pretty please leave comments && vote or even message if you'd like because feedback would really help *:゚*。⋆ฺ(*'◡')
i hope you all have a super great day/night !! ilyasm ✲゚*。✧

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2016 ⏰

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