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On the path to finding one’s prince, a girl (and sometimes a guy as it is the twenty first century and all) has to kiss some toads. And no I do not mean going to your local park and picking up whatever amphibian you find in the pond and smooching it hoping it will turn into a prince. The toads I speak of are a whole lot more difficult to identify. They can be smooth, charming and incredibly attractive but really all they do is leave you and make you cry.

Though the tears really help you write songs that earn you millions. I would know.

Anyway all jokes aside, my path to happiness has been a crazy one indeed. When you live in the spotlight the concept of privacy is a complete and utter joke. Every secret, speculation and false rumour is spread across the magazine pages as clear as day. Try explaining to your distraught grandmother on the phone at one in the morning that you aren’t pregnant with Harry Styles’ baby and you might understand a partial idea of what that’s like.

People made so many assumptions about who I had been with and how much each relationship meant to me by the amount of songs I wrote about that person. But it couldn’t be further than reality. Sometimes it’s easier to write what you don’t feel than what you do, hence some of my songs being based on other people’s lives than my own.

I know I feel myself slowly becoming more cynical, drifting father away from the wide eyed country singer who believed in fairytale romances. Each time my heart was broken I lost a small portion of that childlike naivety as a scar remained from the pieces I sewed back together in an attempt to keep a brave face.

The biggest reminder came when I bumped into someone I use to date. A walking reminder of a past version of myself one that saw that person as my world.

Time changes things; we grow older and become wiser as we learn each new life lesson. But at the back of our minds, there’s always that one person that lingers on, that what if? The relationship you had that ended so suddenly whiplash still haunts your memories.

For me that person was Joe Jonas.

Yeah that Joe Jonas.

The one I dated in 2008 back in my gold sequined dress love story days. Our relationship ended over an infamous 27 second long phone call. We’ve both gone our separate ways in the five years since.

Five years.

Wow. Time seems to fly and drift by so slowly at the same time.

I sighed running my tongue over my lips as I leant back on the seat in the back of the town car I was currently travelling through the roads of England in.

“Are you alright Taylor?” Harry asked from beside me. I glanced at him nodding with a small smile of reassurance that felt false even on my own face.

Harry was kind, loving and a true gentleman. Our relationship was one of comfort as both of us knew that if we invested too many feelings toward each other it would make things messier in the future. We truly cared for each other but we had been burned by those in our past. Harry had been hurt by a girl back in his home town and me by the aforementioned singer that was plaguing my train of thought.

“You can talk about it if you want.” Harry offered softly placing his hand on my pants clad leg.

“It would ruin the mood aren’t we meant to be on a date?” I replied a moment later glancing away from his piercing green eyes. He was really far too inquisitive and perceptive for his own good.

Harry chuckled lightly at my question. “Taylor, you are my friend as well as my bed buddy. You can tell me anything you want if it makes you feel better.” He spoke and I could pick up a hint of a smirk on his lips as his dimples flashed at me mockingly. Stupid cute dimples.

Begin Again [HARRY STYLES x TAYLOR SWIFT x JOE JONAS]Where stories live. Discover now