the story

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Two brothers, Jesse and Bry, are walking home after a party when a big dark car hits Bry. It was a sudden death. After that day Jesse felt worse and worse. He felt really guilty because he had jumped away when the car came. He had screamed to Bry, but he was deaf, so he didn't hear it. Jesse thinks that he should had saved Bry when he had jumped to the other side.
Later, when he came back at the road, he found Bry's shoe and then he also discovered a man. Jesse got the strange feeling that he's the murderer. The next day, at the funeral, Jesse recognised the man again. He wanted to follow him but he was already gone. After the funeral Grandpa told Jesse that Chloe was Bry's girlfriend and that Bry was making her a clock. He asked Jesse to finish the clock, but Jesse doesn't want that because he's in love with Chloe.

The next day Chloe asked him to make some posters for searching for people who had seen something. Jesse admits. Chloe and Jesse are getting closer. When they are at a surf-party, Chloe gets glass in her foot so they went home. At the way home they see the man from the funeral and Jesse starts to chase him. Finally he gets him and they start to talk. The man was drunk at the night Bry was killed, but he doesn't know anything about it anymore. Jesse asked him how his car looked like. The man shows him the car but it isn't the right car, because Jesse suddenly remembered that the car had a big white circle on the back. So Chloe and Jesse continue their way home. Chloe's parents are just leaving the house, they don't want Chloe to stay alone with her cut foot so Jesse stays with her. Later that night they are watching the fireworks at the roof. And then they kiss. Jesse feels very guilty to Bry and then Chloe tells him she wasn't Bry's girlfriend. He just thought so and she didn't want to say him because she felt sorry for him he was deaf.

When Jesse is going home that night he sees Chloe's dad's car for the first time and he recognises it immediately: It was the car that killed Bry. Then he runs straight to Sowbug, the man who's always sleeping by the roadway, and he shows him pictures from Chloe's parents. He asks him to recognise one of them as someone who was on the road that night in de dark-green Volvo from Chloe's dad. Sowbug recognise Chloe's mother immediately.The next day Jesse is going to Chloe and tells the whole story. Chloe is very upset but she asks her parents about it. Her mother was drunk on the highway that night.The book ends 2 months later. Chloe's mum is in jail and Jesse and Chloe are both dating someone else. Jesse thinks they would never end up together. Chloe will always feel guilty.

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