Chapter 1 - Edited

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To be honest I am a hunter. One like any other hunter in this world. There are many types of hunters, depending on what one hunts for. Some hunt for rabbits, others for deer, some like I hunt for supernatural creatures. From birth we were thought legends of heroic men that saved the human world from extinction by hunting the biggest threat there was, the super natural creature. They told us stories of women, men and children slaughtered by beings such as vampires and werewolves, the horrific thing they did and how they must be exterminated. Hence the hunters.

I was born years after the big interspecies war, long after the kings and queens of the world, and past brutality and sorrow. Now, supernatural creatures were believed to be extinct and so humans, hunters to be more precise, retreated and disbanded. There were only few who remained fixed on the old way and continued the legacy and the hunting without mercy. Today, in my time not only the werewolves and vampires were extinct but the ruthless hunters as well. I know nothing of my birthplace, maybe I came in this world somewhere in the woods or maybe in a hospital, what I knew was what those who raised me told me, that I had been abandoned by my mother. The one who found me was Cole Bates one of the last hunter leaders of the world. He had stumbled upon me in the woods and brought me to his home where he made sure I was trained in the arts of battle since I could walk.

'I am imprinting the years and years of knowledge upon you as my father did with me and his father to him before, so you could take my place as the head hunter and rid this world of those pests.' He always said that whenever I asked what was the point of all the training and all the nights spent in the library reading about the Great War and all the bad things that passed. He taught me and the other children his view of the land and how we, the hunters, were superior beings. He always had an answer for those that asked questions about the other side, of the hunted ones.

'All you need to know is that they are ruthless, killers with no control, beasts that hunt humans for their blood and flesh. Savages that are an abomination in our world.' He always had the same answer to the same questions, but he never replied to this particular question twice. What he did though whenever one or two of the people in the lectures asked about the werewolves, he made all watch how hunters fought those creatures and lost. I never liked them much after the first time I watched those films, and swore to kill every one of them until that is, my 20th birthday when everything changed. But even before then, somewhere deep within me I felt that the werewolves were more than what Cole made them to be.

I blindly followed Cole in his madness to kill and rarely stopped to really think about what story those creatures had. What reason to attack us or what run through their heads when they saw us? I only knew our side of the story and when my birthday came, I found out their story and all my world become more dangerous and brighter than it was before. A lot of doors opened and the path I chose was the rightful one. Each thing on this earth has a good and a bad side. What side we want to see, what side we take is up to us. It was the same now, I chose to believe what Cole told me about our enemy, I had no interest in their back story. I was told werewolves were vicious creatures so they were. His side of the story was all I knew.

On my 20th birthday, I was sent to retrieve some gifts from one of the hunter leaders which was scheduled to arrive at headquarters the morning after. Sad to say, I did not reach my destination. All day I felt restless and fever overtook me. I was able to function so I said nothing about being too sick to go, unless you were bed ridden and able to move, you had to do the task appointed to you. Cole would not take it any other way. By noon, I had to stop half the way before my destination. My fever reached a higher point, where I began to lose my sight and a powerful pain hit me. It was something similar to the pain I had felt when I had fought with a werewolf for the first time. I was hit but only after my adrenaline rush evaporated had I started to feel the aftermath of that encounter. My bones cracked and the pain was barely endurable. I wrecked the shirt I had on and took off my trousers, before I threw myself in a nearby river to ease the pain, but it was pointless. One after the other my bones cracked and broke under an invisible pressure. Only by midnight did it calm down and I realized what happened to me – looking at my reflection in the river I saw the creature that I was trained to hunt. I had transformed into a wolf.

Sapphire - A Huntress No More/Completed (Not Edited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora