The Killer 17

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I stare up at him and gaze into his violet eyes one final time, the smirk on Indigo's face never seems to fade, it's a little unnerving. I silently brush past him, quickly swiping my hoodie and zipping it over my shirtless torso and more importantly, my wounds. I don't need mom thinking that I've relapsed...

I unlock the door and it flings open. Mom crosses her arms, pissed. "Who was that?!" she demands.

"What are you talking about?"

"I think you know exactly what I'm talking about. You have a boy in here with you, don't you?! I heard you talking to a boy in here! Where is he?! Has he hurt you?! I heard screaming earlier!"

I panic, she heard everything... What do I do?! I scramble to find a good lie, I can't tell her the truth, who in their right mind would believe a story like this?!

"It was Cole." I say bravely. She raises her eyebrows and pretends to believe me.


"No really, I was Skyping him.... I ran into some trouble on my math homework so I thought I'd ask Cole. I wasn't understanding what he was talking about over text messages, so he suggested that we Skype...." I think I nailed it....

"Mhm... And the screaming?"

I'm so dead... "Just some good ol horror movies... Those jumpscares always get to me!" I smile awkwardly, not even I would've believed that....

"I'm keeping a close eye on you, understand?" She leans in close, doing her best to intimidate me. "Your dinner's cold... Get your ass downstairs and eat it before I decide to throw it away." She unfolds her arms and heads back downstairs. I stand in the doorway silently as I watch her descend. I slowly close the door again, turning to the window as I hear the latch come undone. Indigo.

"Where are you going?"

"Home..." He turns his attention back to the window, sliding it back open and hopping up onto the windowsill. "See you tonight." He winks.

"Wait Indigo, I-" he jumps out the window before I have a chance to say anything else. I sigh, slowly walking up to the glass and watching as he fades into the distance. He pulls up his hood as though a storm is coming and digs his hands into his pockets. What a strange boy...

I lie down on the bed deciding not to have dinner tonight. I'm having a hard time swallowing this one... None of it seemed believable and yet... I place my hand over the wounds, wondering why I was chosen. All I did was make a wish... Has it really been that simple all along?

My fingers twitch and I hiss, they're still a little raw I guess...

I drop my hand and sigh, curling up under the covers and hugging my stuffed koala tightly. I don't care how old I am, koalas are cute.

My eyes dart around the room as if I'm expecting to see Indigo standing there. Nothing as usual. I twist my head to the clock, 8:24. I close my eyes.

This is gonna be a long night...


I sit up on the windowsill and stare up at the stars, its a clear sky tonight, there must be a billion different stars up there right now. But how am I to know? I can't count them all.

I do my best to piece together the different constellations, so far I've only gotten the Big Dipper and Orion, I'm still looking for Ursa Major. I'll find it eventually.

I gasp as a breathtaking shooting star flies by, it must be my lucky day. I struggle to come up with a wish, the one thing I've always wished for just came true. Now what?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2016 ⏰

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