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Rain fell from above as if heaven was angry at the world. Brisk wind came from all angles making tiny tornadoes soon to converge into a hefty one.

A lone teenager dressed darkly walk on the cracked streets braving the mighty winds. Taking a sharp turn the young adult started walking towards crumbling house about four stories high. The figure reached the door somehow keeping their balance as the force of the wind grew stronger.

The door creaked open shining a bit of light into thee dark outdoors partially revealing the teens face. Before she was able to speak a hand reached and grabbed her black sweatshirt and yanked her in hastily closing the door after the action.

The girl stumbled not expecting to be forced in like that but soon regaining her posture. Her chocolate eyes analyzing the interior of the broken house. Tattered furniture lain on sanded down wood floors of the small apartment.

"Why were you out there? Are you hurt? Don't scare me like that!" A male voice laced with concern said from behind her back.

Turning around and facing him she just shrugged and begun to walk elsewhere.

"We need to make a run tomorrow I'm almost out of pills." She replied from a different room.

"Okay next time just come when the weather is better I can't afford to lose another person I love." He spoke clearly sadden and concerned.

Nodding she walked tired from the journey and settled on a sleeping bag accepting sleep with open arms.

Strolling to the flimsily fence that inhabits the edge of the town they skillfully climb over the fence. Regaining balance, they continue forth through the forest only braking when needed.

Progressing through the forest the air becomes tinted with green speckles. As they continue the young male starts violently hacking lagging behind a bit.

"Blaine are you ok?" She asks trying to sit him down.

"I'm fine Leah. We just entered a biohazard zone we need to put on the masks." He waves it off and smiles while rummages through the pack he brought.

Nodding she takes off her back pack and searches for her own gas mask. Mounting the mask on her head she scans the area. Ancient debris of buildings are overgrown with vegetation. A mutilated pharmacy sits at the outskirts next to a broken church.

They trek toward the outskirts of the ruined city toward the pharmacy. As they near the church a loud thud echo's from behind a collapsing wall. Startled the teenagers hide behind a pile of scraps.

An elder stumble out from behind of the church dressed in priest clothes. A white cloth stained in random substances covers his mouth instead of a gas mask.

"You can come out children I didn't mean to startle you like that." A raspy voice calls out.

Blaine starts to climb out from behind the ruble trusting the man. Still weary of the man not fully believing the man is friendly she hesitantly steps out into the open. Grinning the man signals them to come closer.

"Once again sorry for scaring you I was just...praying and I heard you two walking. I'm Pastor Zoyd what are your names?" The pastor asked taking the clothe away from this mouth to speak.

"I'm Blaine and this is Leah we were just on our way to the pharmacy if you want you can join us." Blaine's words muffled and little by the gas mask.

The pastor without hesitation nods and starts walking ahead. Meanwhile Leah strays behind him watching his every move while Blaine jogs to catch up with the pastor.

Upon reaching the pharmacy Leah goes to the back and raids the medication. Looking for her item she notices a knife gleaming in the light of the sun. Sprinting toward it she snatches it up and tucks it within her boot. Resuming her search, she spots a label and struts towards it. Reading the smudged words of Antisocial Pesonal— Di—de— she nods in acceptance and splits the bag open. A pill bottle falls toward the ground before getting snapped up in mid air. Popping the cap off the bottle she takes two white pills and swallows them before heading out.

Walking out the door she gets shoved into the ground by Blaine. His blonde hair tickling her nose the sneezes. Without asking Blaine throws her on his shoulder and runs out of the pharmacy. Confused she looks up and spots the Pastor with a vicious smile and red substance dripping from his mouth. Her eyes widen in fear as she regrets taking the pills as she forces her eyes away from Mr. Zoyd and notices blood seeping through Blaine's shirt as he ran.

"Put me down I can run on my own" She manages to say still staring at Blaine's bloodied shirt.

He barely stopped to put her down and yanked her by her hand. They ran for hours before they could barley see though the forest. The sun was setting and fast they would be trapped within the hazardous forest with the pastor.

"Now why would you run? We had so much fun back there." The voice of the pastor echoed around them as if coming from all sides.

Panting they studied their surroundings trying to find the pastor. A gleaming light of blue glowed making it easier to see. Beneath that light was Pastor Zoyd with a wicked smile showing sharp teeth and his clothes still stained with dried blood.

"Let me get out this meat suit you people call a 'body'." He laughed as a black smoke erupted from his mouth.

As the smoke formed a deathly pale teenage boy Leah slowly reached for the knife tucked within her boot. The boy clicked his tongue in disapproval still with a vile smile on his lips. The pastor had a confused look on his face but was instantly turned to horror.

"Spare them!" He shouted at the thing before them.

The young boy stared at Leah as he twisted his hand and snapped the pastors neck. Leah was still reaching for the knife when the monster flicked his hand and pulled Blaine and Leah to the ground.

"I'm Chester and I'm the demon that will kill you this evening. Any words?" He laughed darkly.

Blaine and Leah were struggling as they were sinking through the ground and landed on hot metal. Chester's nefarious  grin were the last thing they saw before the world was black.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2016 ⏰

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