Chapter 1 - Meeting Dalton.

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Cole’s P.O.V.

Today was the day of my big audition. It was important considering I made my family move out to LA for my career. I can’t let them down. I walked into the audition room and I saw Perez Hilton. That dude is scary as hell. His job is basically ruining people’s lives. Now I know I have to ace this.

“Name?” Perez asked.

“Cole Pendery. I’d just like to say thanks for this opportunity and-”

“What song will you be singing?” He cut me off.

“Cry Me a River by Justin Timberlake. He’s probably my favourite artist and-”

“Go ahead.” He cut me off again.

Perez doesn’t seem like he likes me much. Luckily, they were two other judges. I sang the song I’ve practiced a million times before. I messed up a part because I was so nervous. When I finished I looked at the 3 people in front of me and they had the most serious faces ever.

“Hm, Cole? There seems like there’s something there but we’re not 100% sure yet. We’ll be announcing who made the first cut in an hour. You can stay in the lobby if you’d like.” Perez motioned to the door for me to leave.

“Thank you,” I tried smiling but I knew I messed up. I went to the bathroom and punched the wall as hard as I could. “Fuck!” I don’t know whether I said that because I messed up my audition or because my hand kills now. I looked in the mirror and noticed a blonde guy standing behind me.

“Hey, I’m Dalton. Are you alright?” The blonde guy looked concerned.

“I’m just mad I messed up my audition. This audition is really important to me.” I admitted.

“How do you know you messed it up?” he said leaning on the wall beside me.

“Perez didn’t look impressed and kept cutting me off.”

“Perez Hilton? The dude that’s famous for being an asshole online?”

I laughed at that, “Yeah, him.”

“Dude, don’t even worry about him. He doesn’t even know anything about music. He’s just here for publicity. Just pay attention to the other judges.”

He gave some pretty solid advice. “I’m Cole by the way.”

“Want to hang out until they announce who made the first cut?” He looked kinda nervous.

“Yeah, sure.”

We talked about music, video games, anything you could think of. We didn’t have that much in common but there was just something about him, something that made me feel better about my audition. He made me feel calm. There was an announcement asking everyone who auditioned to come to the main room.

“Welcome back. It was a tough decision. If you make the cut, you’ll be put through a dance test. If you make it pass that test then you’re in the band.” Perez made everything sound so cut throat.

The judges went through about 6 names and then, “Dalton Rapattoni.” I looked over at him and gave him a smile. They announced 4 more names.

“Originally, we were only going to let 10 people to pass this part of the audition,” Perez paused. Does that mean I didn’t make it? I worked so hard on this. Perez’s voice got me out of my thoughts, “but we weren’t sure about one person and we’d like to give him a chance. The final guy is, Cole Pendery.”

Dalton ran over and gave me a hug, “We both made it!”

I could feel that this was gonna be the start of something special.

Author's Note:

There wasn't that much Colton yet but this is the first chapter okay. Give it sometime. Leave comments please.

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