Vanished Hope

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Music was blaring and lights were flashing in multi-colours on the dance floor. It was filled to its brim with people who were dancing crazily and letting loose of themselves tonight. Bar men and women were walking amongst clubbers with trays of drinks in their hands. As I made my way to the bar, sweaty dancing bodies were pressing and rubbing against mine, urging me to dance along with them. I kindly rejected the offer and excused myself to the empty seat at the bar.

I found myself looking through the menu and ordering the Gin and Tonic. It was wonderfully crisp, strangely sweet and aromatic; exactly what I needed tonight. I wondered if it would be able to take my worries and stress away and I came to a conclusion that it had to. It was my main purpose of coming here tonight; I simply didn't want to think about anything at all.

Suddenly, the blaring music ceased to stop and waves of loud applause could be heard. I turned my head around to see that the crowd had all left the dance floor as they settled down quietly. All of them were either sitting with their group of friends or alone.

All of a sudden, flashes of white light were focused on one area; a beautiful young lady dressed in a black shirred satin bow dress, stood on the stage, which I had not noticed. She was beautiful; the dress ran from the top of her chest to the bottom of her knees, showing off her curves which were all at the right places. A special heart-shaped bracelet complimented her silver-swan that hung from a thin necklace around her neck.

She carried herself confidently, bowing to her audience before sitting down on the piano seat. A beautiful melody echoed in the room as she began to play my all-time favourite song, "Song from a Secret Garden". I closed my eyes as I felt the sadness of the music seep into my body slowly, spreading throughout my veins.

Without noticing, my mind drifted into the painful memories that I wished I could forget.

"She's gone."

My mother coughed out in between her sobs as tears welled up in her eyes for the millionth time and flowed down her puffy cheeks. She cupped her mouth tightly with both her trembling hands, hoping to stop her hysterical cries. However, it was to no avail.

The sorrow she held was unbearable and loneliness started to grow in her heart as every second went by.

The overwhelming emotions of sorrow and grief made her no longer able to hold her ground and she collapsed. She was helpless; losing Clare, her daughter-in-law whom she treated as her own daughter was something she had never expected.

"She's... Dead?" I thought to myself.

My body froze in motion as my mind tried to process this unbelievable news. My vision shifted from my crying mother to my brother holding on his wife by her shoulder. Both of them were looking at me sympathetically as they watched my response to the revealed truth. I looked away to find my three-year-old daughter, Fay, tugging at my shirt.

She was dressed in a sundress which flowed out above her knees. Her hair was a rich shade of mahogany that flowed in waves to adorn her glowing, porcelain-like skin. Her eyes, framed by long lashes, were a bright emerald-green, just like mine while her straight nose and full lips were like Clare's.

Fay was standing beside me, unaware of the current situation. I looked at her with a sad smile and asked her softly, "Yes, Fay?"

"Daddy, where's Mummy?" She asked, fiddling with her fingers, her bright eyes filled with curiosity.

My entire body tensed up, the smile faded away from my face unknowingly. I didn't know how to respond to Fay. Thousands and millions of questions bombarded my mind. "Will she understand the meaning of death? Will she be feeling the same way as I do right now -- confused and sad? Will she cry if she knows her mummy is dead and gone forever in this world?"

Vanished HopeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang