Chapter 9 ~ DRAMA

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Perrie's POV

I understanded that ellie wanted some time to here self.... She Just has been gone for a while and its worrying  me..... Hopefully she is okay...

Ellie's POV\

I got up from my place near the tree... It was getting dark... I was cold and hungry.... Damn I don't have any money for a cab and I don't know the way back.... Just great.....Well I came from that way so I should go back that way.... So I did I walked for what seemed like hours till I saw the house that my parents lived in..... I walked up the stairs and slipped through the door and walked towards the lounge room.....

I heared my parents talking to perrie...

" Perrie we want Ellie to come back and live with us.... She shouldn't be on tour with you and the guys... what if she gets hurt... she is 15... for gods sake what if those boys hurt her... So I say she comes and lives with your farther and I... " My parents said....

I ran through the door "  Perrie is my guardian.... She gets to say where I live... I want to stay with perrie... I don't know you... Perrie is my life... I depend on her... I don't want parents.... Not after my last ones did to me.... Just leave me alone with perrie.... " I demanded .... I was surprised at my out burst but I was not staying here... I have a feeling if those people come back for me this would be the first place they would look for me.... I will not be able to taken if im with perrie... She has body gards and I feel safer with her than these people..... They arnt my parents... I don't want parents... I just want to be with my sister... why cant they see that... I don't trust them..

A Week later...

"Ellie grab your bags we are leaving in a minute" Perrie yelled from downstairs........ wait.... Im not going to the Parents place... it look me 5 hours to convince them on letting me stay with Perrie..... It was the most i had ever talked...... I raced down the stairs to Perrie as me and the girls went to the tour bus.... Sadly Layla was coming to... Niall couldnt live without his princess (insert sad face here ).... Speaking of  Layla.... i havent seen her all day... since niall and louis went shopping who werent back yet... gosh i could mistake them for 15 year old girls when it comes to shopping...They are almost as bad as perre.....

An hour later.....

Niall and Louis were finally here... we were soposed to leave earlier but no... they needed a new jacket and you know the sass master likes to look good.... and he found the suspeneders isle....

I was sent to tell harry and Layla we were leaving so i went to layla's room and kocked... Once... twice.... three times then i went in empty... her bags were pilled up in the corner ready ti leave... there was 7 suitcases... woah... not even perrie needed that many and she has alot of clothes

So i went to Harry's room.... I knocked.... I heard moaning... maybe he is hurt so i entered......Guess what i saw or who i saw....

Harry was sleeping with Layla..........


Hey guys how was it sorry i havent updated in ages :(

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