Chapter 1: A Chance

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I always knew I was different. I always had more friends that were girls than guys....Maybe it was because girls could handle themselves better than guys. I mean I don't even know if I wanna try to date anyone while in high school especially after my few failed attempts at those things called relationships.....

Matthew was just trying to focus on making it through his next class and before he knew it he had finished the end of another day at this dreaded school of his. The final bell rang signalling the end of the day of school. He had guard practice to attend to before he was able to head home and able to get started on his homework. He was incredibly focused for being only a junior in high school knowing that he wanted to graduate early and get started on his college courses as soon as possible.He didn't need anything or more importantly anyone causing him to lose focus on his goals for his future.

He had made it home at a fairly decent hour due to guard practice getting out early. He had some time to kill before his parent's would be home from work so he headed upstairs to the loft on the second floor of the house to get some homework done. He decided to turn on a little bit of music and just relax for a few minutes before he would start on his homework. He lay his head back, tried to shut out his thoughts for a bit and woke up about an hour later checking his cell phone and realized that his parents would be home in half an hour and he hadn't even started on his homework yet or changed out of his school clothes.

Matthew ran into his bedroom not even noticing the mess that had accumulated from a busy life, quickly changed clothes and proceeded to look at his reflection in the bathroom mirror pondering his outward appearance just a bit too much. Do i look OK? running his hands through his black curly hair debating about getting a haircut.He kept taking his glasses on and off mentally thinking Should i get contacts? Would that make me look better? Maybe get my ear's pierced or even a nose ring?

He cracked open one of his school books to start upon his homework. He reached over, grabbed the remote for his docking station turned on some music and proceeded to work on the homework he was given.He finished his homework within the next couple of hours.  He opened up his favorite app to chat with guys sending a few messages to a few of the one's whose profile's seemed interesting to him before heading downstairs for dinner.

Why can't I find someone to love me for who i am? Why do I always mess things up in my life? Why can't I figure out what i want to do with my life involving my future?

Jay on the other hand was at his house babysitting his younger brother playing around on his I-Phone looking at apps to download. His younger brother was playing video games or upstairs in his room doing who knows what. He just knew the younger one was staying out of trouble from the sounds of things. He knew he was probably going to have to go check on him shortly just to make sure he wasn't getting into anything their parents didn't want him to get his hands on.

A few hours later after his parents got home he finally was allowed to have some peace and quiet. He would usually disappear into his room usually with the music from his iPod coming through his docking station sometimes it was blaring but his father usually would make him turn it down if it got to an unreasonable volume or his brother was going to bed or his sister would yell at him from the next room over complaining that she couldn't concentrate on whatever it was she was always doing in her bedroom.

Jay's bedroom looked like any typical young adult's bedroom , well a young adult who wasn't allowed to decorate his room however he wanted Well maybe it was a good thing because he did plan on moving out at some point. His walls were a boring tan color and only had one thing hanging on the wall which was a collage of sorts of beer bottle label's that his dad had put together and decided to leave hanging up in his room.

Jay had downloaded one of those chat- type apps hoping he could find someone to talk to that wasn't either his immediate family members or the few friends he had managed to make and actually keep in contact with once the end of high school happened . He filled out his little profile thing that was required by the app for people to be able to message him. His mother called him downstairs for dinner. He left his phone upstairs on his dresser not wanting it to go off in his pocket or he get into trouble. He also didn't want getting his cell phone taken away for whatever stupid reason his parents could come up with. His phone vibrated, and it lit up the lock screen showing that he had a message waiting.

Jay helped his parents do the dishes before heading back upstairs to check his phone to see if anything had happened involving his phone. He smiled to himself when he saw the notification sliding the lock button to unlock his phone and read the message that was awaiting him.

The two boys proceeded to start chatting.

Babybird1209: Hey how are you

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