<3 Trust <3

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Trust can get you anything in life

All your hopes and dreams come true

But once you break that magical bond

I no longer belong to you

Because I trusted you

With all I had

But you broke it all

And you get mad

You leave me with nothing

Except for your hurtful words

Nothing left for me

No more singing of the birds

I want you back

With all my heart

But I know that you will break my trust in you again

Just throwing around darts

So you are gone

I can no longer trust you

But next time someone does

Remember what to do

This is, again, pretty old, but it's about the same guy from the last poem. Men or boys reading this, don't let a girl fall, if you're not willing to catch her. A fun time or a joke with you and the guys could turn into a horrible experience that will haunt a girl for the rest of her life and make her forget about love. I know that when I was younger I had a helpless crush on the cutest guy in my school. He was a year older and he was sweet funny and careing. We would always talk for hours on end when he asked me out. Me being the sweet, naive, girl I was, I agreed quickly, when the boy started laughing. I turned around to see his best buddy holding a camera laughing. It was all a prank and I ran away crying. I still cry, to this day. I didn't even love that boy, I liked him and I'm still traumatized and afraid to go on a date with a boy. Imagine what could happen if you do this to a girl who loves you. Like the boy featured in the poem did to me. Comment Vote Like Fan Tweet Read my other stories?



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