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Author's note: omigosh, I've been wanting to do GD one shots for AGES. BECAUSE HE IS BAE. For the record, I will not be using "jagiya" or "oppa" or "joah" or "saranghae(yo)" or "jinja(yo)" or "jalja" OR ANY OTHER KOREAN WORDS that I see in most fanfictions here because it's weird as hell. I'm currently dating a Korean and I don't even say those things to him so...yeah... weird. So, either you can pretend you're Korean yourself or that you both are speaking whatever language you want, I don't care ahah. I think most of these one shots will focus on the sort of "day-to-day" or "mundane" things in life, nothing super dramatic. We shall see though. Like this one shot is pretty...bland??? IDK SORRY


Also, as much as GD is my bias and all, I don't know all that much about him, so NO HATE FROM VIP PLEASE!! I don't really research him and stalk his accounts but I adore him regardless.

My "pilot" one shot (probably not the best word choice but whatevs) is dedicated to these three lovely ladies who love GD as much as I do.

attackonrivaille, Kaneki_coffee, and LeDreamerxx

Word Count: 2260


Deep, even breathing met his ears just as his consciousness broadened despite the darkness that surrounded him. He liked the way it sounded; so rhythmic...a cadence that eased his mind and filled his heart with a sense of peace. Truly, it was one of his favorite sounds. He continued to listen, aware of the warmth that was wrapped into his arms. It seeped into his bones, comforting him. With eyelashes fluttering open, Jiyong found a familiar figure nestling into his bare chest and still lost in within her dreams. Her visage was serene, almost blissful and he couldn't help but lean over and kiss her very gently on the forehead.

She stirred at his touch and let a soft, tranquil moan.

Jiyong froze, his dark eyes fixed on her form that fit so perfectly next to his. A part of him wanted to wake her, to kiss her tenderly and hold her close, but the other part of him wanted her to rest. She had been working so hard the last few months. She deserved the time to relax and sleep in.

After a moment, once he realized he did not wake her, he slowly began to extricate himself from her arms. The moment he was out of bed, he adjusted the covers over his girlfriend before looking out the windows quietly.

They had finally been able to take a vacation together and it was day three of their three week getaway. Jiyong had just finished up a tour through Japan for his most recent solo album and was itching to see (your name). The entire time in Japan, he had only been able to talk to her on the phone a few times, save for texting.

(Your name) was a photographer, usually doing photoshoots for all the Korean stars for magazines, online articles, and the like. She made her own schedule and had had no issue getting the time off to spend it with him.

Jiyong gazed out at the turquoise water and white sand that surrounded him, ocean air wafting through the open windows and causing the thin curtains to sway in the breeze. The sunlight was pouring through the glass and the air was crisp on his lungs.

They had come to the Bahamas.

Truthfully, as much as Jiyong liked traveling, he wasn't much of a Caribbean paradise kind of man; if anything, he would be meandering the streets of Paris, perusing his favorite fashion boutiques. But his girlfriend adored the beach and had always wanted to stay at one of the private, beachfront homes. He loved her more than he loved Paris, so it was settled.

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