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[2 weeks later]

"Hello" I said picking up the phone

"Yea,are you still coming?" My girlfriend Camilla asked

"Yea,I'm about to leave now" I responded grabbing my jacket and keys

"Okay see you"

Then I hung up and got ready to leave

"Aye nigga where you going?" siah asked

"Im bout to head over camilla's house real quick I'll be back in like an hour" I said impatiently

He looked at me weird

"Alright nigga just hurry back mom wanted to talk to us about something" he said

I nodded "Ight I got you duces" I said throwing up the peace sign

I got in my car and left

15 minutes later

I got out the car and knocked on the door camilla answered

"Hey baby" She said kissing me

I kissed her back "Hey babe so what we doing today?" I asked staring at her

"Well I was wondering do you want to go to the mall and loom around"

"Yea,I could use some new shoes"

She chuckled going to get her stuff

"Alright I'm ready" and we left to shop

Ok so yall might be wondering who is camilla well she's my girlfriend we been dating for a week and a half and things are okay we ain't did nothing yes I'm still a virgin so I'm going to see how things go for now.


So after the mall we just drove around to look at stuff and we went places to eat a lot we love food I was enjoying myself till I got a message

Messiah: Nigga where the he'll you been you need to get here before mom bust a cap in yo ass for being late again.

I looked at my watch to see it was almost 9 damn I got caught up

"Ight babe we have to go I gotta head home" I said grabbing her hand

She nodded and we left I dropped her home and went to the house

I unlocked the door and went in I saw everybody was at the table instead of me

"Hey,king so nice for you to join us" my mom said sarcastically

"Sorry mom got caught up with the time" I apologized sitting down

She looked at me for a moment longer and turned her attention to everyone else

"Okay so what I wanted to explain to you guys today is that me and your father are going on a business trip for 2 months to help children and adults who can't afford to pay money to go to a hospital since we are the head doctors and we need you guys to be responsible and we need to trust you all of you that you won't do anything stupid" Mom said that me so happy a whole house alone for 2 months no parents damn

"You can trust us mom" I said happily

"Mom,do you have to go can't somebody else just do it" messiah said he's the mama's boy

Mom pouted I wish baby ,but we can't so we're going to start packing and we leave tommorrow we love you" Mom said

Dad looked like he was in deep thought he ain't said shit during this whole convo.

"We love you too" we all said together and they went upstairs

"So who wants to do a little shopping for a party tommorrow" Kamoni said she just a bad ass but a smart bad ass

We all grinned

"He'll yea" me and my twin said

And we left just like that


"Christian you okay you haven't said anything since we been down there" I said concerned

He looked at me for a second " No, baby I'm okay I-I-I'm just nervous about this trip you know" he siad nervously

I looked at him worriedly "Yea, I guess,but we'll be okay I promise i won't let anything happen to you " I smile reassuring him

He looked at me like I'm the only girl in the world

" I love you,you know that,you are the most beautiful woman I have ever met" he said kissing me

"And I better be the last woman you ever meet" I said joking (not really)

Something shown on his face,but he covered it up

"You are I promise" we kissed and finished packing.

Sorry I haven't been updating I am in middle school and I am have projects due Monday and I'm just now starting so yea hope you enjoyed it like comment and share bye●●●●●●●●●●●●

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