A team holiday

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Today is the day, the day we have all been waiting for, the day the team FINALLY get a holiday "well here it is your last day of work, what has everyone planned for their holiday week?" gibbs asked us "well boss we have all decided that as much as we would LOVE sometime off work and away from everything work related we are going to go on holiday as a team and you are invited" Ziva announced to Gibbs "boss we are going to California to hit the beaches and theme parks since Ziva told us last night she has never been to Disneyland or Universal Studios. its shocking really" Tony added "GIbbs like we said your invited" "well actually McGee we are not inviting him coz he has no choice, Gibbs you have to come with us we all need a break from work and our normal daily routine" "Ziva that is a lovely offer but..." "Gibbs no you are coming and that is final. Tony will pick you up from your house at 8 and bring you to my apartment. right Tony?" "Wow Ziva when did you become Miss bossy" "well Tony the moment Gibbs tryed to say no i guess" the team cracked up laughing at what Ziva said but she stood there with a serious expression on her face......

The next day the team was in Tony's car and headed for the airport, they decided it would be better to fly to California than try drive all the way then back. The car ride to the airport was the longest ride of everyones life Tony continualy talked and wouldnt shut up. Ziva began arguing with Tony like they were 8 years old, McGee kept fidgiting in his seat and Gibbs sat in the passanger seat regretting not locking his door last night and doing more to keep Tony away from his home but ohwell here he is sitting in a car with his bickering 'kids' headed on a weeks long holiday....

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