Chapter 4

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Jack stared at her in shock, "you're kidding luv."

"No I'm not. The sea will bend to my will as long as I have the energy. My amount of control grows and shrinks with the moon. Hence the moon on my wrist, it shows my how strong or weak my powers are. I'm strongest at a full moon and weakest at a new."

Jack's jaw dropped as he stared at her in shock.

"And it's not going to stop with me, Tia Dalma has seen something. Something she won't tell me about, but she did some form of ritual on two twins I adopted to make them mine by blood. They will carry on the power for however long my bloodline will last."

Jack's jaw dropped even further.

"The last bit is that when I die, only the human part of me will die. My soul will reform to become a mermaid."

"And this will be passed on through the bloodline too?" Jack asked in a whisper.


Jack's mind spun as he tried to completely wrap his mind around everything he had just learned, "wow," he finally breathed.

"Yeah, wow. I found it hard to believe at first also, but I've gotten used to it now."

Jack nodded in understanding as he stared out at the ocean, "it changed your whole life, and made you become the pirate you are now, huh?"

"This and that damn old man I met all those years ago. They made me long for freedom, so I became a pirate. I don't regret it the slightest, and I never will. The sea is my home; forever and always."

Jack nodded in understanding before he asked the last question on his mind, "who was the old pirate you met?"

He was answered with a simple, mysterious grin as Selene returned to her cabin for long awaited sleep.

Everyone woke the next morning to find The Beautiful Trap surrounded by the Royal Navy, and a royally pissed off black haired woman. The flag ship broadsided with the pirate ship and Norrington stared back at the two pirate captains; finding one looking absolutely murderous and the other looking like he would rather crawl in a hole and die.

"Jack Sparrow and Selene Corkweather what a surprise."

"It's Silver now you slimy bastard, and you don't seem very surprised to me."

Norrington glared at her then replied, "you are correct. I'm not supposed because Sparrow here lead us to you."

Everyone aboard The Beautiful Trap froze, then turned to glare at Jack who looked rather miserable at the moment.

"WHAT?" Selene growled in a voice that would scare the sea's worst creatures.

"Now luv, you know as well as I do that I haven't been in contact with the Royal Navy since I joined the ship." Jack answered in a weak voice.

"Yet you didn't need to, Captain Sparrow. All you had to do is tell u whose ship you were joining and we could track her down rather easily. I must admit, arriving at the Corkweather residence was an excellent way to hide your temporary allegiance with the King."

Selene and her crew was looking murderous now, and all of their attention was on Jack Sparrow.

"Now we will let the crew live if Selene Silver comes with us." Norrington continued.

"Over my dead body," Selene spat.

"That can be arranged; men get her."

The soldiers crowded Selene while Norrington threw Jack a pouch filled with quite a bit of reward money. Selene's eyes widened in horror as she was taken by the soldiers. She fought and fought and fought, but they finally put the irons around her wrists. Jack didn't move a single muscle to help either one, merely kept out their way. Just as she was being put below deck, her eyes met his.

"How dare you? I'll kill you! I hate you, Jack Sparrow!" She yelled.

As soon as the ships were gone, Jack was attacked. He didn't fight them; just stood there and let them punch, kick, and cut him up.

When they saw what they were doing wasn't affecting him because of his sorrow, they threw him overboard. Not before taking all the reward money though.

Jack swam up to watch The Beautiful Trap leave with his heart in his throat and betrayal on his tongue.

He was very lucky they had been traveling close to an island when he had betrayed her. He swam to the island and stayed there until rum smugglers came and helped him.

Jack never forgot the look on her face, and he never forgave himself for betraying her. He swore one day he would make it back up to her if he ever saw he again.

Fate has been known to be cruel, but maybe fate was on Jack's side this time.

If only he had known what was coming next.

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