Part One

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"Mum" Harry screamed knocking on his mum's hotel room.

"What?!" Anne opened the door with an annoyed look on his face.

"Do I really have to come?" Harry tried corrupting Anne again.

You see, he was with his family on holiday in Italy in the Dolomites, his family wanted him to learn how to ski, but he had already tried and he was so bad at it so he didn't want to go with them.

"Again Harry, Really? You are going to come, period. I've paid for some private ski lessons, maybe with the teacher focusing only on you you'll learn something." She stated.

"But mum, I'm eighteen now, why can't I decide what to do?" He cried.

" 'Cause you live under my roof and you don't have a job." She closed the door into his son face.

Harry sighed and went back into his room. He started getting ready, so he put on all those heavy clothes you put when you go skiing.

Reluctantly he went into the ski depot where he had his skis and ski boots.

The ski boots, ugh he hated them, they were so heavy and uncomfortable, but apparently you needed them.

His parents and his sister were already on top 'cause they liked to start skiing early, they said that the snow on the slopes was better.

Anyway Harry knew that his lesson would start at 10:00 am so he did not hurry.

To go on top he took the cableway not without a kilometric queue.

When he got on top he looked around to search for the meeting point with his ski teacher. Luckly it was not so far from the cableway so he didn't have to ski 'til there. He walked towards the meeting point where there were like two-thousands kids.

How the fuck was he going to find his teacher when he didn't even know his name?
Oh Gosh, this day wasn't going to end well.

Suddenly he felt someone's hand on his shoulder. He tourned around sheepishly with his skis in his hands to find in front of him who he thought was a teacher, a hot teacher actually.

He had a red ski suit with "Ski Schule Canazei" written on it like all the other teachers there. He had a red hat and some sunglasses on with a light dark beard on his face and beautiful smile. He wanted to lick his beard and something else, too

"You are Harry Styles, right?" He asked with a warm voice and he nodded.

"Good, I'm Zayn, your teacher for a few days." He said offering him his and to take.

"Nice to meet you" He took his hand. Well this was going to be an interesting day.

"Okay Let's start, put your skis on."

And Harry did as Zayn said, but yeah he had still some difficulties putting his skis on, while Zayn laughed. His laugh was sexy.

"Have you ever skied before?" Zayn asked.

"Well yeah, but never succeeded to be honest."

"Okay, hopefully you'll learn something with me. So follow me we are doing this slope that is really easy. Do a snowplow, just open that tails of your skis and you should be fine. Follow my movements."

God, his voice was so hot, Harry thought that he had never heard a sexier voice. He wanted to fuck him just because of his voice.

Harry tried his best to follow Zayn's movement, but was really uncoordinated so he fell at least ten times in ten minutes.

"Okay here, give me your hands, Harry." He said as he started skiing backwards. Harry gave him his hands unsure.
At first everything seemed better, but then he lost his balance and caused both him an Zayn to fall. Precisely He fell on top of Zayn. So, he felt his breath mixing with Zayn's hot one in contrast with the cold hair.
Harry couldn't take it anymore, this guy was too hot not to be fucked.

So he couldn't help but say "Fuck skiing, I want to fuck you."

So okay this is a short two-shot next chapter will be smut smut smut, who's excited?


Second part is soon to be published

Ski Lesson (Zarry Stylik Smut  Two-Shot) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now