He's A Jerk Or Not

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Chapter 1 ~

I stamped on Logan's foot and turned on my heel and walked away from the pig.

I fumed inside, while another part of me, the insecure little teenager was having her heart crushed by another cheating guy.


I thought to myself angrily, that I shouldn't have let this happen. Once again.

Why can't I just catch a break and get a boyfriend who will not cheat on me? Why?

I marched into my apartment, rushed past the TV were it begged me to sit down and watch something sad while eating with Ben & Jerry, even past the bedroom where the bed called to me and said to scream into a pillow! To scream and curse at Logan, my latest excuse for a boy friend.

No, I went to my study. That was filled with books. Not super old ones, just some regular old ones I needed for studying, and the others were modern ones I had bought on daddy's credit card and just some the children would like.

The room wasn't that  big, but it felt small at times with the bookcases lining it. I picked up the book I used to soothe my nerves.

The Goose Girl.

I know, I know! The first time I read it was in 6th grade... but it soothes me, all the heartache I felt was earased with Ani's courage, her love for a palace guard who turns out to be a prince while she herself is his bride. But her riding party betrayed her and she's now the Goose Girl, and the girl she thought was her friend is now romancing the prince.

It was just a simple book, but I loved the author, I know I'm out of college and a teacher... but I still love all the books I did as a child, Hell, I even want to be a child.

In the middle of my fantastic room was a spacious (for the room) couch that was cream colored and fluffy - but you could still lean on it comfortably, and I jumped on the couch with the book in tow.

And then I ventured into the country of Kildenree, and then traveled into the heart of Bayern. All the treachery, hidden love, betrayal, love, friendship, love...


I arrived t school at 6 am on the dot.

I smiled to myself, I had done my crying in the night, but I looked great. I smiled faintly to myself at that comment.

I shrugged mentally, I guess I never really loved him.

Liar! My own self yelled at me. I fell for him, but I guess it's just not that 'this love is forever' kind of love.

I entered my classroom, smiling more at the colorful assortment of decorations that were splattered around my room.

I had posters, sticks that had everyones names on them so that they can register for hot or cold lunch, a milk or their own lunch. A calander with straws so that we could mark the days of school, a rainbow colored quish ball, and desks that each had a name tag taped on them that read the students name, was made by them, and the desk was filled with their things.

My carpet was just dark blue, but in one corner was a square rug that I sat on with my kids around me that I read them stories to that was covered in stars and planets.

Hanging from the ceiling was the pictures we'd all made last week. I went to my desk straight from the door. It was clean and tidy, with only a few papers on it. It had my name in the little holder thingy that I didn't know the name. Only one of the short sides touched the wall, so I sat with my back to another wall, to the right was the window outside to the playground, and to the left, the door faced me directly.

I looked at my cheap desk and smiled. I didn't care that I had more money than half the teachers here together had, teaching was my pasion and I loved it.

I sat down in the comfy chair I had bought last year, and took off my coat, set my purse down, got my cell phone, planner, and corrected papers I did over the weekend.

At 8 the kids started to trickle in.

"Hi ms. Taylor!"

"Hello ms. Taylor."

"I missed you ms. Taylor!"

"Miss Taylor! How was your weekend?! Mine was great!"

I waved and said hello each time a child came to my desk, their books and folders in hand.

When finally at 8:45, the bell rang and the children settled down in their desks.

The desks all faced the wall my chair had it's back to, and all I had to do was get up and walk to the left and stop in the middle.

"Hello class! How was your weekend?!" I asked them excitedly.

There were impish grins, shy grins, cocky grins, and some sad grins.

"Wonderful!." ; "Great!"; "Alright." ; "Good!" ; "We went camping!"

Were only some of the 25 answers.

I beamed at them and said, "Well, mine was nice to, so class! Are we ready to start learning?!" I shouted to them, but not that loudly that the others teachers could hear me from across the hall or next door.

I only heard groans, so I waved my hand for quiet and said deviously, "But oh! I had some candy in my purse for the most active children in class!" I said and the class jumped into action, yelling for the candy.

I laughed at them and the day begun.


I've played around with this story in my head, and decided to write it since I can't upload on my other story yet.

I think I like this story more than that one though;)

So please, thank you for reading!

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