A Feast Fit For Pirates

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It was morning. Summer slowly drifted awake from her slumber. Her joints popped as she stretched, enjoying the painful pleasure the action brought. A large yawn was forced through her being. Glancing at the clock, it showed the time was 6:43 in the morning. And then she remembered.

It was Christmas morning.

Instantly, she was awake. The thought of opening presents sent excited energy coursing through her, and she threw off the covers. Pajamas still on, she opened her door to see a small wreath hanging from the wood. There were similar ones adorning every door down the hall. Someone must have placed them there the night before, past when everyone had gone to sleep.

Adrenaline still rushing, she ran out of the room and down the hall, socks making her slide with each step. Left turn, right turn, another right, and...there! The door to the mess deck was open, and she could hear people talking inside. A wide smile on her face, she emerged into the room.

Already, at least half the crew was awake and holding mugs of hot chocolate. The rest were in similar states of dress, night shirts and long sleeping pants were basically all anyone was wearing. They smiled and greeted her when she entered, and she waved and smiled back. Casper, who was just about the only normally dressed person awake, came from the kitchen holding a steaming mug of the chocolate drink.

"Here, something to warm you up." She took it gingerly, not wanting to spill it. Taking a seat at one of the tables, she looked around at the decorations. The tree in the corner had dozens of presents underneath, overflowing beneath some of the nearby tables. They were wrapped in reds and greens, even sparkling blues and yellows. One, and she had a sneaking suspicion that it was either Penguin's or Shachi's gift, was wrapped in paper that proclaimed 'Happy Birthday!' Those words were crossed out and written above it was 'Merry Christmas' in black marker.

She was glad she'd remembered to place the gifts under the tree late the previous night, though she'd intentionally left out Law's gift. Something made her want to give it to him personally, so she'd go by his quarters later that night to give it to him.

A few others trickled into the mess deck, one by one, as they all woke up at later times. Some came yawning, others with excited smiles. They hadn't touched the presents yet, deciding to wait until everyone had arrived to open them. Summer supposed it was another tradition aboard the yellow submarine. Either way, she could wait to open presents. The hot chocolate was a welcome distraction in the meantime.

Law was one of the last ones awake, slowly shambling into the mess deck with half-lidded eyes albeit properly dressed in his usual clothes. Several men were about to ask to start, but he immediately held up his hand.

"Coffee first." Casper took the hint and disappeared inside the kitchen to start a pot. The men couldn't hide their disappointment.

He took a seat at one of the tables on the edge of the wall, whereas the rest of the crew had moved them out of the way to sit on the floor. They chatted happily, waiting for the coffee to be ready, anticipation dripping from every smile.

Summer's leg bounced up and down, anxiously awaiting Casper's return. They could hear small sounds from the kitchen, but they had no idea how long it would actually take before the cook emerged. She just couldn't sit still.

Law had his hat placed over his eyes, leaning back in the seat, giving the impression he'd already fallen back asleep. The crew knew better.

Finally, the kitchen door opened and Casper held a cup of coffee for the Captain. The scent made him sit up, and he accepted the mug with a nod. Taking a sip, he looked over to Reid. He would be in charge of distributing gifts. With a nod, Reid broke out into a wide smile.

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