Chapter 4

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So, after about 2 and half hours at the pizza place with my youth group we all left, and she was there with him and of course they sat right across from me.

Have you ever had the feeling or urge just yell or scream at everyone around you just so they would hear you, that's how I felt during that dinner

I was the last one out of the pizza place everyone was already at the cars or got picked up. So I was walking out and I saw some of the youth still here and she was on of them, she was talking to Pete and Zack.

I got in my truck and started it up I was supposed to take Zack home but he was taking forever, and then I saw him get out of his car and walk over there and talk to them so I roll down my window and yell at Zack.

"Hey you coming or not man?"

"Go ahead and go I'll get a ride from Pete."

"Okay man, well see y'all tomorrow."


Wow she actually said something to me first time tonight.

*Later that night*

11:45 P.M

You're not good enough
You're pathetic
No one has ever loved you
If you died no one would notice, let alone care

All I can hear in my head, I woke up and I feel like I'm going to relapse, I haven't self-harm in 2 years, and the last persom to help or know about it was her but why now why?

Th-the voices the-they won't stop!

"I need someone to call" I said grabbing my phone as the tears start to come out

*calls Anna* No answer
*calls Zack* No answer
*calls Pete* No answer

"Ple-please someone answer the damn phone please." I said sobbing uncontrollable now

*calls her*

"Ple-please answer please this is my last hope please answer"

"He-hello?" I hear a voice

"Nich-Nichole?" I asked

"Yes, Brayden are you okay?"

"I-I need someon-someome to talk to please, if you can't it's okay I under-understand."

"Brayden what's wrong why are you crying for?"

"The voices in my head, I feel like I'm gonna relapse again.... I don't wanna I made a promise not too."

"Brayden, don't listen to the voice, remember the last time this happen I was there, come over and talk about, okay?"

"Okay I'll be over there in 10, I gotta sneak out."

"Okay, just come to my window when you get here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2016 ⏰

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