Chapter Three

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My eyes widened with surprise as I sat rigid.


I closed my eyes, feeling my cheeks grow hot.


As the machines began to wash off the bubbles Warren pulled back, rather quickly too.

I was left rather flustered and rather confused.

He leaned his head against the steering wheel and buried his fingers in his hair.

What just happened?

"God, please don't go spreading rumors that I'm gay or something. I don't know what that was I swear." His voice was unbalanced and rigid, just like his form.

He was pulling at his hair, his stiff shoulders shaking just barely.

"I mean, even if I were, which I'm not, I don't even know you."

He was stressed. Probably depressed too. He probably had millions of feelings and anxieties rushing through him that he couldn't even keep up with.

"It's alright. I understand. You've probably got so much on your mind your body acted on your own to clear it. Don't stress it." I leaned over to awkwardly pat his shoulder.

He peeked over, eyebrows furrowed slightly.

The green light blared in our faces causing us to both jerk away. He drove through the dryer, unfocused and not really caring.

I distanced myself away from him, looking out the window again.

Instead of driving out of the car wash he parked by one of the trash cans, turning to face me again.

"Can I rant? I need to rant, and I'm not picking you because I trust you or anything it's just... You're here."

I nodded slightly, turning my head to look at him.

"I hate it. I hate when people come up to me and expect me to just break down and tell them everything. Like how I feel about everything that's happened. I hate the 'I'm sorry's and all that nonsense. Can't they just let me be? Let me grieve in peace?"

"They think you will need to support."

"Well I don't. I'm fine. I don't need anyone's support. Especially when it's here only for a while. They say they will support me and all, but what about when it passes for them? When they get over the accident? Are they supposed to support me my whole life? Because I won't ever get over this."

"That's understandable."

"What I hate the most is when people come up and just start talking about her. I don't want to talk about her. I don't even want to think about her. Everytime I do I remember how she looked after the crash. Yeah, the doctors had fixed her up a bit, but it still looked horrible. It because that wasn't my sister. My sister was usually smiling, my sister talked to me and laughed with me. That was just a vessel, an empty shell. My sister wasn't there anymore. So can't we just forget her already? God, I sound like a horrible person." He ran his hands through his hair, sinking in his seat.

"But you aren't one. It's natural to want to forget something like that. Who would want to remember someone in stitches?"


"Sorry, didn't mean to strike a cord, I'm just trying to make a point."

"Well make it gently."

I smiled slightly, "You really aren't a bad person Warren. At least you've kept your humor."

"I hate that name."

"What name? Warren?"

"Yeah. I've only kept it because apparently it was my mom's father's name. I like Matthew though."


"It's my middle name."

I was happy with the subject change. At least he was calming down. I guess he just needs someone to talk to him about anything but the accident.

"Okay Matt." I sat straighter and extended my hand to him, "Sorry for our rough start but my name is Rodrick. You can call me Roddy though."

He glanced at my hand before slowly taking it, "Yeah, sorry for being a jerk earlier. My name is Matt, nice to meet you Roddy."

We smiled at each other for a moment before simultaneously leaning back.

Warren, or actually Matt, put his seatbelt back on before taking the park off.

With that we left the carwash, leaving all the previous drama behind us.

"Thanks again for dealing with me today." I pulled my backpack from the back seat, avoiding eye contact with the male.

"It's cool. You really aren't that bad to deal with. You just sleep. Kind of like a cat or something." He chuckled and I smiled slightly.

"Yeah, well don't give me any pet names. Somebody will think something is up then." I pulled my bag on and opened the door.

Pausing I glanced back at Matt. Today really has had a weird and quick turn in events. It went from us being strangers to him being closer to me than Hughe.

I found it strange, but strange things happen all the time.

"Are you coming to school tomorrow?"

"Uh.. Yeah. I think so."

"Well, I'll see you then." I tossed him a small grin before climbing out of the vehicle, closing the door shut behind me.

Heading towards the door I tilted my head back to puff out a breath of foggy air. The cold was causing my cheeks to sting slightly, but I could really care less right now.

"Oh, um, hey! Roddy!"

I glanced back, furrowing my brows slightly.

"Do you have a ride to school tomorrow ?"

"I usually ride the bus."

"Want me to pick you up? Y'know, since I know where you live now and all?"

"Don't make it sound like you are going to stalk me Matt."

"I just might Roddy. You aren't too bad of a kisser after all."

"Yeah, well, same to you Matt."

"Thanks, I've had lots of practice."

I chuckled at that and shook my head, "Yeah you can pick me up tomorrow. See you then."

I pulled my keys from my pocket and unlocked my front door, stepping into my house.

My parents usually went out for a "date night" so I didn't even bother announcing my presence.

Instead I dropped my bag and shuffled towards the stairs. I just wanted to take a shower and sleep at this point, so that's what I plan on.

Hopefully I could get my thoughts to calm down enough to sleep.

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