--3--Damn You Liam Simpson--

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 Liam Simpson had now kissed me twice, twice in two months. Once is an accident and twice is a coincidence and I happened to not believe in coincidences. Not to mention the fact that we'd just went out to dinner where he insisted that we weren't on a date but insisted he pay for dinner and walk me home.

I laid in bed for hours that night, my mind racing. Did Liam really want to be more than friends? Or was he just trying to screw me over? Or just screw me in general? He'd said he liked a challenge that first night we hung out but I'm sure he had second thoughts about it after realizing I wasn't the girl a guy like him dates or even sleeps with. I wasn't quite sure yet, I didn't want to get hurt, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship either or ruin a good relationship that might end up happening if I just rolled with things. I also didn't want to end up being the girl that kissed other people's boyfriends because it would get blown out of proportion the longer that the rumor went around and before I knew it the story would be that we slept together and I'd never shake that reputation.

Nikki was gone this weekend, it was fall break and she didn't have practice and I did so she took off and went home while I stayed back. She and I were kind of inseparable in high school. We did everything together, even though she was a figure skater and I was a hockey player. We were pretty much always at the rink in high school, she was always watching me when she wasn't on the ice and I was always watching her if I wasn't on the ice. Needless to say, I was slightly lost without her there for advice.

The varsity team played again that next day, this time at 3 and Liam played at 7, not long afterwards. The varsity team trounced the team they played 10-0 and I was hoping Liam's game would be a blowout too after the close one last night.

"You're still here?" Liam laughed as he ran through the lobby after warm-ups.

"I figured I'd stay," I smirked, "Good luck tonight."

"Thanks," he said, giving me a nod and a wink before running back to the locker room.

Damn you Liam Simpson for making me want something I can't have.


The game that night went much better than the game before, Aladine won 5-1 and didn't give me a heart attack by going into overtime. Liam had two goals, the second of which was a beautiful bardown breakaway goal which he celebrated by skating past me and flashing his signature smirk and winking my way.

Damn you Liam Simpson for making my heart beat ten million times an hour.

I waited for half an hour after the game for him to come out of the locker room, which was a slight improvement from last night when he was out 45 minutes after the game.

I convinced myself that I was only waiting so he could walk home with me, that I didn't want to walk home alone in the dark so I waited. I didn't want to to want go back to his place because that would mean that it had meant something to me the night before when he had kissed me and if it meant something that meant I wanted to be with him no matter what it meant and I didn't know if I had it in me.

"You waited again," he grinned as he met me in the middle of the lobby.

"Yeah I figured I would, considering your performance," I laughed, "And I didn't want to walk home alone."

"I'll walk you home," he said as we walked out of the rink, "Or we could go back to my place?"

"No, not today," I replied.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing," I replied quickly, "I'm fine."

"But it's Saturday and it's almost a tradition now," he said.

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