animal whisperer

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Guys if you have a name for a girl that is good for animal whisperer please tall me?


dring bing dring!

Meowwwwwwwwwwwwwww "WHO PUT ON THE ALARM!?"

"Ow quit your complaining Ginger"

"What who's complaining I am just sensitive to noise not like you Pickle"

I groaned (animal whisperer) "I am trying to sleeeeeeeeeep"

"Hey wake up sleepy head!" "or do you want to miss school" Pickle said

I looked at my watch "yaaaaaaaaaaaa am going to be late" I said

"why do you have to be so loud and putting  the alarm on is not nice!  Some animals and people like peace and quiet" Ginger hissed

"aren't you listening to me!" Ginger said

"I don't think she has time for all your complaining" said Pickle.

"Bey Pickle, bey Ginger" I said that as I lift my home and haded to school.

I was going as fast as I could to school will eating my lunch.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2015 ⏰

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