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Previously: He peers closer at me. Frowns. Jerks my wig. It topples traitorously to the floor. His eyes widen at the sight of my bald, bared head and his words are a whisper. "You're...human?"

          I slam my elbow into my attacker's face, ignoring the spray of blood, and rip myself free.

Yumi's song is still haunting the air, thick and heavy and beautiful. Her eyes are closed reverently, deep in concentration as I sprint past the still bodies of the Rebooted, heart pounding wildly, and fling myself at an exit. The doors won't let me out- they don't recognize me. I fumble in my pocket for Rebecca's chip, patting myself frantically. My pockets are empty. No. No. No No.

Without a Rebooted chip to scan, they'll only open in an emergency. I pace the room, desperate to find a way to escape before the Corrupted and his knife catch me. My gaze lands on a shot of oil which lies forgotten on the bar by its owner. A fairly terrible plan clicks into place in my mind. If the doors only open in an emergency, I'll create my own.

Hastily, I snatch it up and scan the room for the tell tale wires running directly to the stage that control the lights. I can hear my pursuer panting as he weaves through the immobile bodies, hunting me. I inch towards the stage, my feet too loud against the tiles of the floor. The wire cables run all along the stage and coil in piles on the floor. I sink to my knees. Free the wires. Free the wires. I must free the wires and create a spark before I'm found.

"You!" Heavy, pounding feet thud across the floor. They're too near, and I've only freed one of the wires from its cable. A hand clutches at my shoulder and tugs hard. I stumble, yelp, nearly dropping the oil. With a frantic yank, I free the second wire. Electricity leaps.

"What the hell are you do-?" my adversary starts. I grin and drop the shot. It shatters on tile. Sparks ignite with the liquid and the world explodes. The hand on my shoulder vanishes with a cry.



I sprint, I gallop, I fly away from the fire climbing higher and filling the room. A siren wails, lights flash red, and the doors slide open. Before I can slip through and escape from it all, Yumi appears in front of me, like a crimson angel. 

I skid to a panting halt, still filled with adrenaline. She's trembling all over, her body shaking spasmodically. The Sleeping Song has exhausted her. Her eyes are all but drained of power, and yet they widen in recognition. I stare in horror at my sister. My wig is gone, and without it I stand as one naked and exposed before her. She reaches for me in a daze, red lips parting.

"Jane- what are you doing here?"

"Yumi, we need to leave," I gasp. There's no time for explanations. The Circuit is burning. I grab her elbow. "Come on- we need to get out of here before-"

Yumi jerks.

She sways and collapses.

Her eyes turn dead, cold, empty as her system jolts, whirs, and shuts down. Her red dress spills around her like a pool of blood, and her head snaps to the side, exposing sparking wires. A knife hilt juts from the side of her pale neck- a familiar, horrible knife that only moments before was brandished at me.

My world stops. I sink down beside her in horror, bleating her name and frantically stuffing her wires back into their position as the fire blazes around us. No- not Yumi- not Yumi. My mind replays the words over and over again. Tears spatter the floor as I desperately try to put my sister back together again.

Thick, deadly smoke invades my lungs, and I choke and gag, but refuse to leave Yumi's side. Heat closes in from every side. Her beautiful dress catches a stray spark and flames devour the fabric. I beat at it frantically, yelping in panic. I hate fire as much as anyone, but at least I don't melt the way the Rebooted do. I have to get her out of here before she's engulfed. My throat is raw and my vision blurs. If I don't alert the rescuers to us, she'll be lost to me. 

"HELP!" I cry, no longer caring who finds out what I am. "HE-"

"Dammit! Shut up unless you want to join her." my pursuer growls, appearing at my side. He grasps the knife handle and jerks it out of Yumi's neck. I raise my rage-filled, tear-streaked face to his. I can only manage a whisper, but inside I'm screaming.

"Go to hell."

He snorts and kicks at Yumi's dress, fanning the flames into an inferno. The beautiful hair I'd brushed until it shone, ignites.  

"No!" I fight past the flames, sobbing, and lunge forward, desperate to drag her to safety, but even I know it's useless. My hand brushes the back of her neck. I hear a series of whirs and clicks. A panel slides open, depositing a tiny object into my palm. I suck in a smoke choked breath. It's her microchip. One last attempt at self preservation.  I look down at my sister. Her eyes stare blankly back at me as her synthetic, perfect skin melts down her cheek.

"Yumi." I groan. 

"Leave it." the man says, touching my arm. "Don't waste tears over broken parts."

I pull back, trembling. I can't see straight. Everything's red. Images of Yumi's melting body bombard me. A spark ignites an explosion of emotion inside me as I lock eyes on the source of my pain.

The man  takes a step back, and his hand clutches his knife, but he doesn't make a move to attack, even when  I launch myself at him, delirious with fury, and backhand him across the face with all the force in my small body.

His eyes spark with anger, but he takes the blow without a word. 

"You murderer."  Screams erupt from the deepest part of me. My fists fly at him. "You son of a cyborg. I'll-"

"Look out!" his warning shouts break off my tirade. He grabs my arm and yanks me out of the way as the heavy spotlights above groan and collapse inches from where I'd been crouching. His dirty, rough palm slaps across my mouth, smothering my cries.

As the Circuit blazes, I'm dragged, fighting and cursing into the night by my sister's murderer. I twist and bite down hard on exposed flesh, tasting his blood in my mouth, and smelling the sweat soaked heat of his skin. I hope I leave a scar.

His curses echo after me as I break free, flying into the night. Tears blind my vision. In my sweaty, ash streaked fist, I clutch my sister's charred memory chip, and in my raw, blistered heart, I clutch revenge. I'll kill him. I'll destroy him. I keep seeing him kick up the flames around Yumi's body, ensuring her death. My stomach heaves and I nearly vomit. But I can't stop now. There's no time.

My lungs scream at me, but I put on a burst of speed, determined to reach the city gates before news of the Circuit fire breaks out. I'm not about to let Yumi's murderer take my place as the last human left on Earth. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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