Our Secret Love (a RonXHarry gay love story)

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so just for a change i figured..."why not make a gay love story?" i mean...if you think about it harry and ron would be perfect for each other ^^ if this goes well i might even make a "harryXdraco" story :) thanks for reading!



i let my self give a glance to harry. boy did i want him. but of corse i could never revile i'm gay, to him...or anyone, plus he's inlove with my sister Ginny. how wired would that be? harry looked up from his postion to look at me "what?" he asked "uhm..nothing" i quickly looked away. heart racing. if harry could read my mind that would be so embarssing. i sighed and continued my potion. i had been ACTING like i was in love with herminoie...when really i just think of her as a sister, she touched my arm "ron? are you okay?" she whispered to me "just peachy love" i responded to her she studdied me then ruffled my ginger hair "good" she said kissing my cheek. i smiled, wishing i loved her the way she loves me


after ron turned away i kept staring....wanting him, its not that i don't love ginny...she's amazing, in a lot of ways but ron was even more amazing..he always seemed to grab my attention. but i wasnt going to go up to him and say "hey ron, i'm gay...wanna make out?" no...i couldn't do that! he would be discusted with me if i did!...i sighed to my self focose harry...you need to finsish the po- my internal thoughts were interupted by the bang of an explition...we all looked to ron and hermonie's table and there stood ron...grum and stuff on his face..i chuckled softly...the front of his perfect ginger hair sticking up "bloody hell" he said snape came to behind him "mr. weasly, if you inist of blowing up my class room i'm going to have to ask you to leave" snape said in his monotone voice. ron sighed "uh...may i go to the imfermitory..i think i broke my nose" ron said holding his nose "you may" snape turned to me "mr. potter, please excort mr. weasly to the imfermitory" he said i nodded and ron and i left the room "are you okay?" i asked him he let go of his nose "i lied harry...my nose isn't broken" he said suddnly he had me pinned to the wall "harry...i have a confession" he said close to me "w-what i-is it?" i stummered..my heart racing "i'm not in love with hermonie....she's nothing but a sister to me...your the one i want harry" he pressed up to me "i'm gay harry...and i want you...no, i need you" he said voice only a whisper...my heart stoped for a split secound...this couldn't be happaning...ron..in love with me? my...dreams and wishes are coming true?


Harry looked absalutly estedit...that was a good sign..."r-ron.." he whipered "yes harry?" i asked..happy every one was in class "i-i need you to..i'm gay to" he said voice now just above a whisper..i smiled "really?" i asked him Harry nodded my heart stoped compleatly on what came next...he pressed his lips to mine in a gentle kiss

soooo how'd ya like it -nudge nudge- hey so i was thinking.....maybe you guys could put some imput into this..like what do you think should happen next? maybe granger or genny walking out to see them kissing? i dunno..give me some imputttttttttt

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